Ane Jensdatter’s baptism translation

Startet af David Madison, 22 Sep 2014 - 02:02

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David Madison


I need your help with Ane Jensdatter's baptism record: [3 Juledag] 27 Dec 1700, Öster Marie Kirke, Öster Herred, Bornholm: Öster Marie Sogn Kirkebog 1687-1752 [Ny udgave  =  New Edition], opslag 103a.

I have attached an image of the record for your use.

Please transcribe the record in Dansk and then translate it into English.

I appreciate your time and help.



[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ole Westermann

Hej David

I read:

3. Juledag Jens Hans(en) Kirchevergers pigeb.
Ane døbt. Hende bar til Daaben
Margrete Hr Sørens, Faddere Claus
Kiøller  Laurs Lassen, Thomas Laursen,
Karen Ibsdaater, Boel Laurs Anders(en's)

3. Christmas Day Jens Hansen churchwarden's 'girlchild'
Ane baptized. Her carried to the baptism
Margrete Mr Sørens*, Witnesses Claus         *the vicar Søren ....
Kiøller, Laurs Lassen, Thomas Laursen,
Karen Ibsdatter, Boel Laurs Andersen's (wife).

mvh Ole

David Madison

Hej Ole,

I appreciate your help and time with this record.

I now add yet another vocabulary word: Kirchevergers.




Ole Westermann

The more modern Danish word is Kirkeværge.

David Madison

Thanks Ole. I will make a note in my glossary.

