Seeking birth and marriage of Johan Hansen Tofte

Startet af Karin Tofte Rosenstrom, 11 Okt 2013 - 22:01

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Karin Tofte Rosenstrom

Johan Hansen Tofte, Laxegade 293-294, 60 y/o Ft 1801, died April.18.1803, Holmen page 126.
Married to Anne Cathrine Matthiasdatter, Laederstraede 20, died Nov. 4.1821, Holmen page 54.
Have not been able to locate his birth or their marriage record anywhere.
Their children's birth are all registered in Skt. Nikolai and Holmen's.
A "Skifte" from Anne Cathrine Matthiasdatter exsist, register 1820, Protocol 5D page 75. But according to "Stads Biblioteket" it is not accessible online, so I'm wondering, can anyone can go there and read this document?????

Eventually I'm hoping to find out, if there is a connection between Johan Hansen Tofte and Hans Jacobsen Tofte, who build Madam Tofte's Gaard, Nyhavn 53. Have a copy of his "Borgerbrev" from 1735, Cph..  It states he was from Laaland. Can't locate his birth or death record.
I know they were both a subject on "Slaegt og Data" in 2004, so I'm hoping someone has been able to locate some more information.

Christian Konstmann Autzen

It states he was from Laaland = Lolland = Maribo amt.

Try to look here for "Johan Hansen" in Maribo amt:

Min slægt: Autzen, Konstmann, Nansen, Hegelund, Sønberg, Matzen, Schmidt, Kruse, Wolf. Min hustru's slægt: Mærsk, Fogh, Møller, Hark, Lund, Aaskou, Blom, Dethlefsen, Beyer, Troels Winther.

Inger Toudal

København, København (Staden), Øster Kvarter, Øster Kvarter, Matr. 293, 881, FT-1801, A5021
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Johan Hansen Tofte, Huus Eier    60    Gift    Husbonde    Islandsk Købmand og Skipper    
Anna Chatrine Tofte    52    Gift    hans Kone       
Hans Mattias Tofte    18    Ugift    deres Søn    Islandsk Købmand    
Jens Severin Tofte    15    Ugift    deres Søn    Assistent    
Johan Hansen Tofte    7    Ugift    deres Søn       
Maren Cathrine Tofte    20    Ugift    deres Datter       
Bodil Tofte    10    Ugift    deres Datter       
Kirstine Marie Rosenberg    25    Ugift    Tienestepige

København, København (Staden), Øster Kvarter, , Laksegade 294, 1, FT-1787, C1091
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:
Johan Hansen Toste    43    Gift    Hosbonden    Skibs Capitain    
Anna Catarina    36    Gift    Hustrue       
Hans Mathiasen    4    Ugift    ældste Søn       
Jens Sewerin    3    Ugift    2.Søn       
Christiane Nicoline    11    Ugift    ældste Datter       
Maren Catarina    8    Ugift    2.Datter       
Maria Catarina Schultz    25    Ugift       Tienestepigen    
Andreas Christensen Malthe    23    Ugift       Studiosus    
Niels Mÿller    24    Ugift    Logerende    Styrmand

This could be Johan Hansen Tofte's mother or stepmother:

Kilde:    OE-1771
Mandens navn:    Tofte   Mandens erhverv:    Skpp [Skipper] og handlende
Mand død (ja/nej):    Ja [Husband dead]
Hustru død (ja(nej):    Nej
Hustrus forsørgelse:    af sin formue og handel   Hustrus alder:    74
Hustrus civilstand:    Enke   Hustrus nr. ægteskab:    2 [Wife's 2nd marriage]
Enkestand antal år:    7 [Husband died 7 years ago]
Sogn:    Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter   Herred:    København (Staden)
Amt:    København   Stednavn:    Folio Bd
Indtastningsnr:    C7268   Løbenr.:    96

Found at - married couples, widowers and widows 1771
(Sjælland, Amager, Møn, and Bornholm).

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Inger Toudal

The discussion from 2004:,47281,47412

The widow that I found in OE-1771 must be the widow of Hans Jacobsen Tofte.

Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Karin Tofte Rosenstrom


Thanks, it certainly looks like it could be his mother or stepmother. Tried to use the ddd/dda link but as many times before, I cannot find anything there.
I'm still hoping to find Johan's birth record one day. Right now though, I feel I'm going in circles.
If you don't mind me asking, are you related to the family?

Kind regards,