Any evidence of birthplaces?

Startet af Jan McLaughlin, 02 Sep 2013 - 23:50

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Jan McLaughlin

Opslag 57
Naestved Skt Morten
Right Side
First Entry

This appears to be the marriage of a relative of mine, Henrik Wesselhoff and his wife, Cathrine Sophie Larsdatter, but I haven't been able to find our connection.  Is there any information in the record that would lead me to some clue, birthplaces perhaps?

Thank You.

Ralph Rasmussen

The betrothal says nothing directly.  But S. Mortens should be the brides parish.  Some of the confirmation records are at the end of the record (opslag 348-349 the most relevant), without a mention of Cathrine Sophie.

Is this the couple in 1771?

Kilde:  OE-1771
Mandens navn:  Wesselhofft Mandens erhverv:  paa Herr Gen[eral] Krigs Comisair Classens Contor
Mandens alder:  39 Mandens civilstand:  Gift
Mandens nr. ægteskab:  1 Mand død (ja/nej):  Nej
Hustru død (ja(nej):  Nej Hustrus alder:  32
Hustrus civilstand:  Gift Hustrus nr. ægteskab:  1
Sogn:  Sankt Annæ Vester Kvarter Herred:  København (Staden)
Amt:  København Stednavn:  224b
Indtastningsnr:  C7267 Løbenr.:  1821
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Pamela Alley

Here they are in the 1787 Næstved census with Henrik's sister living with them

Samtlige personer i husstanden

Præstø, Tybjerg, Næstved Købstad, Riddergade, hus nr.31, 36, FT-1787, A1418
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:      Stilling i husstanden:      Erhverv:      Fødested:
Hendrik Wesselhof   53    gift   mand   handskemager   
Catharine Sophie   51    gift   hans kone   husmoder   
Sidse Marie Wesselhof   43    ugift   mandens søster   



Pamela Alley

Henrik is found dead 27 Jan 1796 in Næstved Skt Morten 1731-1805, ops 61. His skifter is found in Næstved byfoged 1785-1809, ops 369, bottom of the right page and continued on ops 412. Maybe someone can take a look at it for you and see if there's anything in there that may give you a hint.

Good luck


Pamela Alley

The sister Sidse Marie is found betrothed 13 Oct 1797 in Mogenstrup 1778-1809, ops 39 and married on ops 46, same churchbook.

Jan McLaughlin

Thank you, Ralph and Pam.  I will check on the Copenhagen source. Ralph, can you translate the 1771 document, especially the man's occupation.  Again, I am so grateful to both of you for your help!


Jan McLaughlin

And Ralph, where did you find the 1771 document?

Ralph Rasmussen

In 1771 Oeder did a census of sorts of men and widows of Zeeland and Bornhom.  You can find it via Dansk demografisk database

Mandens erhverv:  paa Herr Gen[eral] Krigs Comisair Classens Contor
His occupation: employed by General  Classen's office/enterprise

The ages don't quite fit, and so this may be a brother, but various versions of the name do not find Hendrik Wesselhofft in Næstved in 1771.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Inger Toudal


Oeders Eftr. 1771: (marrried couples, widowers, widows)

The Copenhagen Wesselhofft is here in the 1787 census:

København, København (Staden), Sankt Annæ Vester Kvarter, , Borgergade 153, 805, FT-1787, C1746
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Hans Wesselhøft   56    Gift   Hosbonde   Fulmægtige paa General Chlasens Contor   
Helvig Caroline   42    Gift   Hans Kone      
Daarte   19    Ugift   Deres Pige   Tieneste Pige

Maribo county is not included in Oeder 1771. Maybe Henrik W. lived there at the time?

Henrik W's sister's son Carl Ferdinand, 20 y, living in Copenhagen, is mentioned in the probate 1796 (opslag 370, top of left hand page). He must be here with his mother:

København, København (Staden), Øster Kvarter, , Dybensgade 191, 3, FT-1787, C1091
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Anna Cathrina Wesseltoft   50    Enke(mand)   Boesiddende      
Carl Ferdinand   11    Ugift   Hendes Søn   Matros

In the Continuation on opslag 412, bottom of left hand page, it's mentioned that Henrik W. is Borger, i.e. he had a trade licence. He should be mentioned in the Borgerskabsprotokol, probably with place of birth, found at Rigsarkivet in Copenhagen:

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Jan McLaughlin

Dear Inger,  I am so very grateful for the work you do for me.  However, I have no experience with Danish documents except the church records and the census.  I haven't any idea how to use the link you sent me.  So sorry. 


Inger Toudal

Hi Jan,

The link is the result of my search in the Danish State Archives database Daisy.

You have to visit the National Archives (Rigsarkivet) in Copenhagen to check the Borgerskabsprotokol for Næstved town.

Maybe somebody else can think of another way to find Henrik W's birthplace.

Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Jan McLaughlin

Thank you, Inger.  I can't get to Denmark just yet, but I will one day!  I've decided to take another route.  Here is another Wesselhoff in Copenhagen about the same time as Hans/Heinrik, perhaps one or two people.  Her name is Mette Marie Wesselhoff.  Here's her census data.

She was born about 1751, but I don't know where.

Kovenhavn Staden
Parish: Strand Kvarter
Title no /address: Bag Børsen 94

Parish: Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter
Place name: Sankt Annæ Øster Kvarter
Title no/address: Matr. 71 (fortsat)
District: København (Staden)

She is the cook in each of these households.  Would you be able to direct me to the parishes near these addresses?

Again, thank you for all your hard work on my behalf. 


Inger Toudal

Henrik Wesselhoff, who died 1796, didn't leave behind any children. The heirs mentioned in his probate are his widow, his unmarried sister Sidse Marie, and his sister's son Carl Ferdinand in Copenhagen.

Maybe there is no connection between your Wesselhoffs and the Wesselhoffs in the 1787 and 1801 censuses. Wesselhoff could have been introduced as family name at a later stage. How far back can you take your Wesselhoffs?

Bag Børsen in the 1787 census is in Skt Nikolaj parish. The 1801 census for Copenhagen doesn't give a street name. It's hard to say which parish it would be. You could try to figure it out using the 1863 info at

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Jan McLaughlin

Dear Inger, are the probate records you mention available to me, or are they too only available in Denmark?  Jan

Inger Toudal

The probate records from Zealand etc. are available online, e.g. for Henrich Wesselhoff:
Amt: Præstø
Embede: Næstved byfoged
Skifteprotokol 1785 - 1809
opslag 369-370 & 412

Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal