Relatives of Jorgen Christian Berthelsen

Startet af Jorgen Berthelsen, 19 Jul 2013 - 23:43

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Jorgen Berthelsen


My son is visiting Copenhagen for the first time next week. I came to Denmark just out of high school in 1966 and was greeted by relatives--and overwhelmed by their warmth and generosity--by the friendliness of all Danes! I stayed in Denmark for two months and took classes in Danish language and history in Copenhagen.

Over the years, although we have been close with family here in the U.S., I have lost contact with my relatives in Denmark. I would love to find family for my son to visit or meet while he is there.

Some information to help:

--I am Jorgen Christian Berthelsen III. My great grandfather, Hans Peter Berthelsen (born 1869), came to America in the 1880s. He married Gunhild Prestegaard (born in Illinois in 1869 and of Norwegian descent) in 1894. Their children were Jorgen Senior, Neils Olav, Dorothea, Andrea, Hans (died in childhood), Esther, Viggo, Hand (another son) and Ruth. (I suppose keeping warm was a challenge during those South Dakota winters!)

Hans Peter was an itinerant Lutheran pastor, traveling on horseback in the Black Hills of the Dakotas. In fact he was knighted by the King of Denmark for his missionary work here!

My grandfather, JCB Senior, was born in Lead, South Dakota in 1895. He worked for the Scandinavian-American Steamship Company and the Swedish-American Steamship Line. (I sailed on the Kungsholm II when I visited Denmark) and married Anna Thomasine Petersen, who was born in 1894 in Omaha Nebraska.

I know we had relatives in Odense, Esbjerg and Aarhus. I believe one was named Otto and was a banker in Esbjerg.

I am sad a chagrined that I have lost contact with our family in Denmark and I would love to reestablish it. If any of the above is familiar, please let me know in this form and we can exchange emails.

Thank you in advance...

Jorgen Christian Berthelsen, III

Jorgen Berthelsen

Citat fra: Jorgen Berthelsen Dato 19 Jul 2013 - 23:43

My son is visiting Copenhagen for the first time next week. I came to Denmark just out of high school in 1966 and was greeted by relatives--and overwhelmed by their warmth and generosity--by the friendliness of all Danes! I stayed in Denmark for two months and took classes in Danish language and history in Copenhagen.

Over the years, although we have been close with family here in the U.S., I have lost contact with my relatives in Denmark. I would love to find family for my son to visit or meet while he is there.

Some information to help:

--I am Jorgen Christian Berthelsen III. My great grandfather, Hans Peter Berthelsen (born 1869), came to America in the 1880s. He married Gunhild Prestegaard (born in Illinois in 1869 and of Norwegian descent) in 1894. Their children were Jorgen Senior, Neils Olav, Dorothea, Andrea, Hans (died in childhood), Esther, Viggo, Hand (another son) and Ruth. (I suppose keeping warm was a challenge during those South Dakota winters!)

Hans Peter was an itinerant Lutheran pastor, traveling on horseback in the Black Hills of the Dakotas. In fact he was knighted by the King of Denmark for his missionary work here!

My grandfather, JCB Senior, was born in Lead, South Dakota in 1895. He worked for the Scandinavian-American Steamship Company and the Swedish-American Steamship Line. (I sailed on the Kungsholm II when I visited Denmark) and married Anna Thomasine Petersen, who was born in 1894 in Omaha Nebraska.

I know we had relatives in Odense, Esbjerg and Aarhus. I believe one was named Otto and was a banker in Esbjerg.

I am sad and chagrined that I have lost contact with our family in Denmark and I would love to reestablish it. If any of the above is familiar, please let me know in this form and we can exchange emails.

Thank you in advance...

Jorgen Christian Berthelsen, III

Jane C

So you are seeking descendants of the siblings of Hans Peder Berthelsen born 1869 in Denmark.
Do you know his day-month-year of birth or parents' names or where he was born?

One candidate is Hans Peder Berthelsen born 30 Jan 1869 in Vissenbjerg, Odense, Odense, to Niels Berthelsen and Maren Dorthea Rasmussen. Father of Vissenbjerg Hans was a teacher which kinda fits with your Hans Peder being a preacher. Vissenbjerg Hans had a father Niels and a brother Jørgen Christian Berthelsen, which fits with names of children of your Hans Peder.

Odense, Odense, Vissenbjerg, Skallebølle, Vissenbjerg, et hus, 11, FT-1880, B0520
Maren Dothea Berthelsen 49  Enke(mand) pensioner, skolelærerenke born in Gudbjerg sogn, Svendborg Amt
Karen Andreia Berthelsen 13 unmarried, her child, born in Vissenbjerg sogn, Odense Amt
Hans Peder Berthelsen 11 unmarried, her child, born in Vissenbjerg sogn, Odense Amt
Jørgen Christian Berthelsen 8 unmarried, her child, born in Vissenbjerg sogn, Odense Amt

MARRIAGE of this brother Jørgen Christian Berthelsen is found on Family Search free website.
Name: Jörgen Christian Berthelsen 
Birth Date: 21 Jan 1872 
Birthplace: Skallebölle, Vissenbjerg, Fyn 
Age: 30 
Spouse's Name: Mathilde Ammentorp 
Spouse's Birth Date: 21 Jan 1874 
Spouse's Birthplace: Lemvig 
Spouse's Age: 28 
Event Date: 21 Jan 1902 
Event Place: Barrit, Vejle, Denmark 
Father's Name: Niels Berthelsen 
Mother's Name: Maren Dorthea Rasmussen 
Spouse's Father's Name: Christian Michael Ammentorp 
Spouse's Mother's Name: Francisca Ulrikke Bergenhammer 

family tree:

Jane C

Occupation of Jørgen Christian Berthelsen above was "Sognepræst" - pastor/minister.
His son Christian Harbo Berthelsen died in 2001.
His daughter Sara Elise Berthelsen died in 2008.
Contact information for creator of the family tree:

The 1900 census says your Hans P. Berthelsen was born JANUARY 1869. So the above "candidate" is looking good. The death record of your Hans may tell his birth day-month-year. It seems he died in New York?

Naturalization as US citizen in 1898:

Ganeer Township, Momence city Ward 1, Kankakee, Illinois, USA
Hans Berthelson  31, born January 1869 in Denmark, to USA 1889    
Gunlild Berthelson  31, born October 1869 in  Illinois    
Jorgen Berthelson  5, born July 1895 in North Dakota    
Olaf Berthelson age 3, born March 1897 in Illinois  [= Niels Olaf]  
Jarond Berthelson age 1, daughter, born January 1899 in Illinois [ = Dorothy?]

Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska
Hans P Berthelsen  51  Denmark    
Gunhilda Berthelsen  50  Illinois    
Dorothy Berthelsen  21  Illinois    
Marie Berthelsen  19  Illinois    
Esther Berthelsen  15  Illinois    
Viggo Berthelsen  13  Indiana    
Adolph Berthelsen  10  Indiana    
Ruth Berthelsen  6  Indiana  

Jerusalem, Yates, New York
Hans Berthelsen 71 born about 1869 Denmark, naturalized US citizen, retired
Gunhild Berthelsen 70 born about 1870 in Illinois
Andrew Pablsen 40 lodger

Mette Lund

Jørgen Christian and Mathilde had a lot of children.

Ringkøbing, Vandfuld, Harboør, Kirke- og Stationsby, 1a, 19, FT-1916, C6303
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:      Stilling i husstanden:      Erhverv:      Fødested:
Jørgen Christian Berthelsen   21.1.1872    Gift   Husfader   Sognepræst   
Mathilde Berthelsen f. Ammentorp   21.1.1874    Gift   Husmoder      
Ane Marie Iversen   19.4.1901    Ugift   Barn      
Ulrikke Dorthea Berthelsen   27.10.1902    Ugift   Barn      
Niels Berthelsen   13.10.1903    Ugift   Barn      
Karen Andrea Berthelsen   22.2.1905    Ugift   Barn      
Johannes Michael Berthelsen   12.6.1906    Ugift   Barn      
Constance Jacobine Berthelsen   1.10.1907    Ugift   Barn      
Marie Theresia Berthelsen   15.12.1908    Ugift   Barn      
Theodora Berthelsen   -.5.1910    Ugift   Barn      
Anders Christian Ditlev Berthelsen   11.3.1912    Ugift   Barn      
Christian Harbo Berthelsen   17.7.1913    Ugift   Barn      
Sara Elise Berthelsen   13.9.1914    Ugift   Barn      
Kristine Nielsen   7.12.1888    Ugift   Tjenestetyende   Husgerning   

In 1921 Jørgen Christian is a widow. According to the Ammentorp homepage found by Jane, Mathilde died in 1917.

Ringkøbing, Vandfuld, Harboør, Kirkebyen, , [275] 40, FT-1921, C3403
Navn:    Alder:    Civilstand:      Stilling i husstanden:      Erhverv:      Fødested:
Jørgen Christian Berthelsen   21 01 1872   Enkemand   Husfader   Sognepræst   Vissenbjerg sogn, Odense amt
Karen Andrea Berthelsen   22 02 1905   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Johannes Michael Berthelsen   12 06 1906   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Constance Jakobine Berthelsen   01 10 1907   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Maria Theresia Berthelsen   15 12 1908   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Theodora Berthelsen   02 05 1910   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Anders Christian Ditlev Berthelsen   11 09 1912   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Christian Harbo Berthelsen   17 07 1913   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Sara Elise Berthelsen   13 09 1914   Ugift   Barn      Harboøre sogn, Ringk. amt
Dagmar Andersen   14 09 1879   Ugift   Husbestyrerinde      Vejlby sogn, Vejle amt
Mariane Jensen   25 02 1893   Ugift   Tyende      Houe sogn, Ringk. amt
Grethe Valborg Hansen   22 02 1898   Ugift   Lærerinde      Skelby sogn, Præstø amt


Jorgen Berthelsen

Tak to you both, Jane and Mette! Hans Peder is almost certainly the one I am seeking. Family tradition has that he was born Epiphany Day 1869 on the Island of Fyn. That places him near Odense and close to the 30 January date. And the amazing congruence of the sibling and parental names to all of the offspring is further support. I will start tracing some of the descendent names you've provided.

By the way, some of my information comes from a remarkable set of self-published books by a great-aunt on my grandmother's side, Breta Carol Espe Soldat. It traces the Espe and Prestegaard families of Norway and is reputed to be in the National Museum in Oslo. Through it we have been able to trace that branch of our family back a thousand years through the kings of Norway, to the first non-native child born in North America in 1003, Snorri Thorfinsson. Filled with charts and photos (some over a hundred years old), it has been an amazing resource for us and now is wonderfully supplemented by the information you have provided.

Thank you again...

Jorgen Berthelsen

Mette Lund

This link has something about Jørgen Christian and the children: There are some nice pictures of the family. Start from page 44!

Unfortunately, it is in Danish but you could try google translate. One of the articles tells that the family moved to Skanderup in 1923. I havent' read the articles thouroughly but I think (guess) that it is Skanderup in Skanderborg not the one in Ribe. Hopefully, this could help you to trace the descendents of Jørgen Christian.


Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you, Mette! This is astonishing. I'll work on translation. Many of the pictures are of people I visited when I was in Denmark in 1966. What a wave of memories!


Mette Lund

Hi again

In the article about Sara Elise (page 52) is mentioned Anders Graven, a nephew of Sara and son of Constance. He was at that time (when the article was written = 2006) a board member of JBF (Jysk børneforsorg/Fredehjem). At this link (from 2012) you can find him and his address, email address and phone number at page 22.

Looking him up at the Danish yellow pages ( shows that he still lives at that address. Of course you can't be sure that the email address is still the same but the phone number is the same as shown on the yellow pages.

You could try to contact him on the email and/or phone. There is not much time to get connected to family before your son arrives in DK. Best of luck with the project.


Jane C

What wonderful and truly amazing finds!  

Here is a biography of Hans Peder Berthelsen that appears in a book:

Berthelsen, Hans P.    Præst. født 6 Jan. 1869 i Skallebølle Skole, Vissenbjerg Sogn. Fyn. Til Amerika i 1889; cand. fra Luther Seminarium (Norske Synod) 1894; Missionspræst i Black Hills, South Dakota x 8 aar og i Indianapolis, Ind. 11 aar; sluttede sig i 1914 til Den forenede dansk Kirke; betjenr nu Pella d. l. Mgh., Omaha, Neb. Adr: 2721 N. 30th Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
SOURCE: De Forenede staters danske almanak, haand- og aarbog, Volumes 1-4,+Vissenbjerg&source=bl&ots=4wSh7S7Scn&sig=vEyjt77PSZETvaIr3KKKAtbO9f8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=AODqUZWiBenXygGtpoG4Bg&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Berthelsen%20familie%20of%20Skalleb%C3%B8lle%2C%20Vissenbjerg&f=false

And here is mentioned "Pastor Berthelsen i Harboøre" in a history of Thyborøn Kirke

Birth of Hans Peder's sister
Karen Andrea Berthelsen
Christening Date:    04 Aug 1866
Christening Place:    Vissenbjerg sogn, Odense herred, Odense amt, Denmark
Father:   Niels Berthelsen
Mother:   Maren Dorthea Rasmussen
Indexing Project #C20480-4, System Origin:    Denmark-ODM, GS Film 312508

Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you, Mette. I will try to contact him immediately. I'll post my results.


Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you, Jane!

I am discovering some wonderful stories, also. Apparently (is this is true) Anders Berthelsen, son of Jorgen Christian, Hans Peder's brother, was born with the name Christian. When his brother came along a year later, he was to be baptized Anders. But King Christian of Denmark happened to be traveling that day and stopped to worship at JCB's church (on Fyn). When he heard that the pastor's son was being baptized, he asked if he could be the godfather. The family quickly took Anders name and added it onto the front of Christian's name (hence his name Anders Christian) and renamed Anders Christian to honor the king!

The world is a wonderfully strange and rich place...


Jane C

Citat fra: Jorgen Berthelsen Dato 20 Jul 2013 - 21:42

The world is a wonderfully strange and rich place...Jorgen

Yes indeed! How delightful all this is!

A history of Harboøre kirke here...a beautiful, beautiful church.

Someday when you do more study of Pastor H. P. Berthelsen (now you are focused on locating your family) you might check the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America online archives - includes collections of all the early Lutheran churches in America.

Don't forget Facebook. :D

Med venlig hilsen - Jane

Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you! My mother did an oil painting of that church many years ago!


Mette Lund

The story about King Christian seems to be (partly) correct except that is was not in Fyn but in Harboøre. I don't know if you are familiar with using the Danish archives online. You can read about The Danish National Archives' online services in English here:

In Harboøre churchbook 1904-1914, opslag/page 68, King Christian X is mentioned at the baptism of Christian Harbo. But looking at the baptism of Anders Christian (opslag/page 58) March 17, 2012, does not indicate that "Anders" as been added lateron.


Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you, Lissa. I have a cousin here in the U.S. who is doing a family history. All of this information is a treasure for her.


Lissa Pedersen

Did you get in contact with Anders?


Jorgen Berthelsen

I emailed him but have yet to get a response. If I haven't heard by tomorrow, I'll telephone him


Mette Lund

He could be away on vacation and not checking his email. Note that on the yellow pages there are two phone numbers.


Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you. I'll try them both.


Jorgen Berthelsen

Have yet to hear from Anders. I left messages on both phone numbers.

But my son is exploring Copenhagen and having a wonderful time! If by chance we fail to connect, I'll keep pursuing Anders and other leads I've found here. I still want to reconnect with family. I also intend to visit Denmark again myself in the near future.

To give you all a little more information about me and my family:

Danish traditions have been kept very alive over the generations. My mother (who is from the U.S. South) learned to cook Danish recipes--as did I, from my father. We had pork loin stuffed with apples and prunes every Christmas and Kransekage is made and served at every wedding. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. My father's sister moved there when I was young, cementing the concentrated family influence. (Her married name is de Neergaard.)

We have family reunions every few years here, gathering the offspring of Hans Peder Berthelsen's clan. Akvavit flows (Aalborg, of course!) and "Han ska leve" is sung for birthdays

I converted to Judaism many years ago. We live in California but traveled to our Lutheran family in Atlanta to celebrate Christmas every year. I still named my son Jorgen Christian Berthelsen, IV, which made for interesting stories when he attended Jewish schools! He is immensely proud of his Danish heritage (as am I) and always told his schools of the bravery and generosity of Danes toward Jews in World War II. He intends to continue the patronymic tradition when he has a son!

To illustrate my first direct experience of the Danish national character: when I traveled to Denmark in 1966, I was just out of high school. I sailed on the Kungsholm II and celebrated the Midnight Sun that never set on our last night. I had no idea what I would do or who I would meet when I landed, although my grandfather had corresponded with family in advance.

I was met by representatives of both my grandfather's family and my grandmother's family. They took me to lunch at Tivoli and argued over who would get me first! For three weeks, a cousin drove me all over the country. I stayed with family everywhere and couldn't spend a single krone; the generosity was overwhelming. One of my fondest memories was attending the Rebild Festival on the 4th of July, celebrating Danish-American friendship. (Although it has strong competition with my falling in fleeting, teenage love with a beautiful distant cousin!)

After traveling around Europe for a few weeks, I returned to Copenhagen to study Danish history and language for a month. My experiences resonate with my to this day.

I strongly believe that our traditions and a powerful sense of our family's history was a major factor in shaping the character of our son and daughter, helping them grow into the amazing young adults they have become. I will always have a Danish soul. I thank everyone here for helping me to nurture it!

I'll keep everyone informed here. Thank you all!


Jorgen Berthelsen

Our son, JJ, just called from Vissenbjerg. He was just at Vissenbjerg Kirke where he found the gravestone of his great-great-great-grandfather! (I've uploaded a picture.) As I was told on this forum, it shows him as a teacher ("lærer"). JJ was overcome with emotion. What an amazing experience for a young man!

Thank you all for helping with his journey...


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Mette Lund

Here is the gravestone of Jørgen Christian Berthelsen and Mathilde Ammentorp at Harboøre:

Jorgen Berthelsen

Thank you, Mette! I have the one below of my sister and father at the gravestone from many years ago, but not one alone, and of such good quality! I will send it to my sister.

Many of my relatives are enjoying and talking about the information all of you have provided on this forum!


Jorgen Berthelsen

Forgot to upload!


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Lissa Pedersen

Hi Jorgen,

I have sent you a private mail with some info.
