Startet af Cheryl Hedges, 11 Jun 2013 - 18:14

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Cheryl Hedges

How can I confirm the following information I have found on your site is the same person ??

Birth record for Adam Nielsen
born: 16 Jan 1854
christened: 19 Mar 1854  Lemming, Viborg
father: Niels Pedersen Nedergaard
mother: Ane Johanne Adamsdr

other children born to Niels & Ane = Karen Marie born 3 Feb 1858 ... Serup, Viborg
                                                    Rasmus Peter born 26 Feb 1851 ... Lemming, Viborg
                                                    Mette Catherine born 13 Feb 1849 ... Lemming, Viborg
I have not been able to find marriage records for Niels/Ane , nor any of the children (other than Adam - who married in 1885 -  St Joseph Co, Indiana, USA)

Immigration record for Adam Nielsen
ID code: I8182N1216
last residense: Lemming parish, Viborg A
occupation: Tyende
age: 28
ship: Indirekte ..... are there records of what ship he would have departed on & date?
destination: New York
registered: 9 Mar 1882

1900 US Census - states he arrived in USA  1883
Any records of his siblings immigrating also?

Thanking you in advance, for any information you can provide.
Cheryl Hedges

John Wrenholt

This census record from 1850 shows that Ane Johanne was born in Svostrup sogn.  Looked there for their wedding record and found it in the churchbook 1837-1847 Svostrup ops 105 (first entry for 1847).

Viborg, Hids, Lemming, Lemming, , et Huus, 5, FT-1850
Niels Pedersen Nedergaard   35   Gift      Dagleier - Huusfader   Seerup Sogn, Viborg Amt
Ane Johanne Adamsdatter   29   Gift      hans Kone   Svostrup Sogn, Viborg Amt
Mette Kirstine Nielsen   2   Ugift      Deres Datter   Lemming
Maren Rasmussen   10   Ugift      forsørges af Huusfader, paa Fattigvæsenets Besostning   Haurum Sogn, Viborg Amt

Cheryl Hedges

May I ask if you found that online? or how would I find the actual marriage date in 1847?


Anni Larsen

Census 1860 Viborg, Hids, Lemming parish, Nisset a farm

Niels Pedersen Nedergaard, age 45, married, indsidder, dagleier, born in Seerup parish, Viborg
Ane Johanne Adamsdatter, 39, married, his wife, Svostrup parish, Viborg
Mette Cathrine Nielsen, 12, their daughter, here in parish (= Lemming)
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 9, their son, here in parish
Adam Nielsen, 7, their son, here in parish
Karen Marie Nielsen, 4, thedir daughter, Sinding parish, Viborg

Found following information of Rasmus Peter Nielsen:
Serup parish, Hids, Viborg, 1885-1891, opslag 69 no 4
Bachelor dairyman of Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 39 years old.
Girl of Serup Inger Kirstine Hansen, 22 years old.
Married 12. nov 1890.

Serup, 1885-1891, opslag 26 no 6
Niels Johannes Nielsen, born 29. juni 1891, bapt. 26. juli.
Parents: Dairyman in Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen and wife Inger Kirstine Hansen, 23 years old.

Niels Johannes confirmation 1. oct 1905. Serup 1892-1913, opslag 123 no 2.

Serup, 1892-1913, opslag 204 no 2
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, died 5. sept 1910, buried 10. sept Serup Churchyeard.
Worker, indsidder in Serup Mark (born in Lemming) married to Inger Kirstine Hansen.
Parents Smallfarmer in Lemming Niels Pedersen Nedergaard and wife Johanne Adamsdatter.

Anni Larsen

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Cheryl

The Census can be found for some Years trnascribed at

The original Census and Churchboiks You can find here:
Lis B. Jensen
* * * * * * * *
Ses i Legacy Forum: og

Inger Toudal

Hi Cheryl,

Do you know the FS site, an introduction to Danish genealogy reords?

It has instructions for the "new" Arkivalieronline:

You can go straight to and choose type of record, e.g. Kirkebøger, and then straight to Vælg sogn:

Svostrup, book 1837-1847, image (opslag) 105. The couple was actually married in Lemming church 15 Jan. 1847, but the banns were announced in Svostrup parish, because that was the residence of the bride.

Lemming, book 1850-1863 must be where to find Adam's birth.

For transcribed census records you can go straight to the search page in English:

You can check which censuses have been transcribed here:

The map of counties, districts and parishes may also be useful:

For place names you can use

Quote from
"Direct tickets are issued for the direct line Copenhagen-New York - and give information about the name of the ship. Indirect tickets are issued by Danish agents for departures from a non-Danish port (often German or English) - and give no information about the name of the ship."

You have to find the arrival of Adam to get information about the ship. The registration date in the Copenhagen Police Records of Emigrants is the date the ticket was presented to the police - usually 0-5 days prior to departure.

Happy learning and hunting !

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Cheryl Hedges

Thank you all for your guidance.

I have gained more information in one day, after fighting a brick wall for years !!


Inger Toudal

Hi Cheryl,

You asked how you can be sure Adam b. 1854 in Lemming and Adam emigrating in 1882 is the same person. The 1880 census is the closest you get:

Viborg, Hids, Svostrup, Nebel By Svostrup Sogn. Hids Herred, Viborg Amt, 6. En Gaard, 51, FT-1880, C4397
Name:  Age:  Marital status:  Position in household:  Occupation:  Birth place:
Anders Pedersen 55  Gift Husfader. Jordbruger  Her i Sognet
Gjertrud Kirstine Andersen Høg 36  Gift hans Hustru  Tvilum Sogn, Skanderborg Amt
Peder Sørensen Pedersen 13  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Ane Pedersen 10  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Else Pedersen 8  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Jens Nielsen Lind Pedersen 6  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Mariane Pedersen 2  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Udøbt Pigebarn under 1 Aar  Ugift deres Barn  Her i Sognet
Adam Nielsen  26  Ugift  Tjenestekarl  Lemming S. Her i Amtet  

Adam is working as a farm hand in Svostrup, which is a neighbouring parish to Lemming. In the emigration record his occupation is tyende (m/k land) 'servant (male/female countryside)'.

I couldn't find any other person called Adam Nielsen in the 1880 census for Viborg county, or Skanderborg county which is south of Lemming and Svostrup. You're lucky not having to look for a Christen, Hans, Jens, or Niels  :)

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Anni Larsen

Hi Cheryl.
You have sent me the following questions:

1. Niels Johannes Nielsen - are there records for marriage, children born and date of death?

2. Was he (Niels Johannes) the only child born to Rasmus Peter Nielsen / Inger Kirstine Hansen?

3.Were both Niels Pedersen Nedergaard & Ane Johanne Adamdatter deceased by 1870?

4. Karen Marie Nielsen was born 3 feb 1858, unable to locate her either - still to young to be married.
    Mette Catherine Nielsen born 13 feb 1849 - probably married by 1870?
I have an answer to no 2 and 3.

Niels Pedersen Nedergaard died 11. june 1864, buried 15. june. 49 years old.
(Lemming parish, 1864-1881, opslag 150 no 4).

Ane Johanne Adamsdatter died 16. april 1879, buried 22. april. 58 years old.
Widow after indsidder Niels Pedersen Nedergaard in Lemming.
(Lemming parish, 1864-1881, opslag 170 no 3).

Niels Johannes had 3 brothers, Anders Kristian Nielsen b. 12.9.1894, Marius Dam Nielsen b. 12.2.1897 and Aage Peder Nielsen b. 26.6.1900.

I found the familien i census 1911 Serup parish.
opslag 45:
Kjerstine Nielsen, b. 8.6.1868, widow. To Serup 1902 from Lemming
Marius Dam Nielsen, b. 12.2.1897 in Lemming
Aage Peder Nielsen, b. 26.6.1900 in Lemming

opslag 49:
Niels Nielsen, b.29.6.1891, unmarried, b. in Serup, servant
Kristian Nielsen, b. 12.9.1894, unmarried, b. in Lemming, servant

You will find Marius Dam Nielsen in Lemming 1892-1913 opslag 20 no 2
Aage Peder Nielsen in Lemming 1892-1913, opslag 29 no 9
Anders Kristian Nielsen in Lemming 1892-1913, opslag 12 no 13.
Parents for alle 3: Rasmus Peter Nielsen and wife Kirstine Hansen.

Rasmus Peter Nielsen died 1910 in Serup
Serup, 1892-1913, opslag 204 no 2:
Rasmus Peter Nielsen. Died 5. sept 1910, buried 10. sept.
Worker, indsidder in Serup Mark (born in Lemming), married to Inger Kirstine Hansen.
Parents: Smallfarmer i Lemming Niels Pedersen Nedergaard and wife Johanne Adamsdatter.

I havent been able to find the death of Inger Kirstine Hansen in Serup. Searched 1911-1966.

Maybe other genealogists are able to answer the other questions.

Regards Anni

Anni Larsen

Hi Cheryl.
Have overlooked death-record of Inger Kirstine Nielsen b. Hansen.
Here she is:

Serup parish, Hids district, Viborg county, 1939-1967, opslag 179
Inger Kirstine Nielsen born Hansen.
Died 27. oct 1942 Old Peoples Home Alderslyst in Silkeborg, buried 31. oct 1942 Serup Churchyard.
Old age pensioner in Alderslyst, Silkeborg, Old Peoples Home, born in Vinderslev parish Viborg county 8. june 1868. Widow efter smallfarmer Rasmus Peter Nielsen, Serup Mark, which was their last common residence. Daughter of farmer Daniel Johansen Vinkler and wife Ane Kirstine Pedersen, Vinderslev. 74 years old, (born) 18/6 1868.

Inger Kirstine Hansens birth-record: Vinderslev, Lysgaard, Viborg county, 1867-1882, opslag 70 no 11.

Regards Anni

Cheryl Hedges

Thank you Anni

One question - how did Inger Kirstine have last name of Hansen? .... since father was Daniel Johansen Vinkler?
When did the females cease having last name ending in "datter" ?


Citat fra: Anni Larsen Dato 12 Jun 2013 - 19:01
Hi Cheryl.
Have overlooked death-record of Inger Kirstine Nielsen b. Hansen.
Here she is:

Serup parish, Hids district, Viborg county, 1939-1967, opslag 179
Inger Kirstine Nielsen born Hansen.
Died 27. oct 1942 Old Peoples Home Alderslyst in Silkeborg, buried 31. oct 1942 Serup Churchyard.
Old age pensioner in Alderslyst, Silkeborg, Old Peoples Home, born in Vinderslev parish Viborg county 8. june 1868. Widow efter smallfarmer Rasmus Peter Nielsen, Serup Mark, which was their last common residence. Daughter of farmer Daniel Johansen Vinkler and wife Ane Kirstine Pedersen, Vinderslev. 74 years old, (born) 18/6 1868.

Inger Kirstine Hansens birth-record: Vinderslev, Lysgaard, Viborg county, 1867-1882, opslag 70 no 11.

Regards Anni

Anni Larsen

Hi Cheryl.
I wonder too why Inger Kirstine´s surname is Hansen and her fathers name is Johansen Vinkler, but her name is correct.

Her confirmation 1. oct 1882 Vinderslev, 1867-1882, opslag 178 no 4:
Inger Kirstine Hansen in Vinderslev
Daughter of smallfarmer Daniel Johansen Vinkler and wife Ane Kirstine Pedersen in Vinderslev.
Born the same place 8. june 1868, and bapt. 23. aug same year.

Here is the family (minus Inger Kirstine) in census 1880
Viborg, Lysgaard, Vinderslev, Vinderslev town, a house
Name: Age: Martial stand: Occupation in household: Birth-place:
Daniel Vinkler, 40, married, housefather farmer, Haperdal?? sogn, Viborg county
Ane Kjerstine Pedersen, 37, married, wife, Hammel, Skanderborg county
Marie Katrine Hansen, 11, their child, Vinderslev
Johanne Hansen, 9, their child, Vinderslev
Peder Hansen, 7, their child,Vinderslev
Ane Magrete Hansen, 4, their child, Vinderslev
Frederik Hansen, 2, their child, Vinderslev

Law of firm surnames, family-names, was written by the king in 1828. It did not work in all parishes and was repeated in 1856.

Regards Anni

Anni Larsen

Are you interested in Daniel Vinkler, his brothers and sisters and parents ?

Cheryl Hedges

No, Anni .....thanks

Citat fra: Anni Larsen Dato 12 Jun 2013 - 22:11
Are you interested in Daniel Vinkler, his brothers and sisters and parents ?

Cheryl Hedges


Where would I look for marriage records for Mette Cathrine & Karen Marie? and if they had children?

As far as I can determine, Adam is the only one of his siblings that emigrated to USA?
What about children of Rasmus, Mette & Karen ?


Citat fra: Anni Larsen Dato 11 Jun 2013 - 20:22
Census 1860 Viborg, Hids, Lemming parish, Nisset a farm

Niels Pedersen Nedergaard, age 45, married, indsidder, dagleier, born in Seerup parish, Viborg
Ane Johanne Adamsdatter, 39, married, his wife, Svostrup parish, Viborg
Mette Cathrine Nielsen, 12, their daughter, here in parish (= Lemming)
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 9, their son, here in parish
Adam Nielsen, 7, their son, here in parish
Karen Marie Nielsen, 4, thedir daughter, Sinding parish, Viborg

Found following information of Rasmus Peter Nielsen:
Serup parish, Hids, Viborg, 1885-1891, opslag 69 no 4
Bachelor dairyman of Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 39 years old.
Girl of Serup Inger Kirstine Hansen, 22 years old.
Married 12. nov 1890.

Serup, 1885-1891, opslag 26 no 6
Niels Johannes Nielsen, born 29. juni 1891, bapt. 26. juli.
Parents: Dairyman in Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen and wife Inger Kirstine Hansen, 23 years old.

Niels Johannes confirmation 1. oct 1905. Serup 1892-1913, opslag 123 no 2.

Serup, 1892-1913, opslag 204 no 2
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, died 5. sept 1910, buried 10. sept Serup Churchyeard.
Worker, indsidder in Serup Mark (born in Lemming) married to Inger Kirstine Hansen.
Parents Smallfarmer in Lemming Niels Pedersen Nedergaard and wife Johanne Adamsdatter.

Anni Larsen

Anni Larsen

Hi Cheryl.

Marriage records for Karen Marie and Mette Cathrine.
Try in first hand the parish where the parents live, when the girls are abt. 20 years old or the girls birth-parishes.
If no luck, then try the parishes near the parishes.

I haven´t found their marriages, but Mette Cathrine moved as follows:
Lemming, 1850-1863, opslag 126 no 8:
Mette Katr. Nielsen, 14 years old, servant, moved to Svostrup parish 20. apr 1863.

Svostrup, 1860-1882, opslag 253 no 8:
Mette Cathrine Nielsen, 14 years old, servant, arrived from Lemming 24 apr 1863.

Lemming, 1864-1881 opslag 134 no 17:
Mette Katr. Nielsen 20 3/4 years, servant, arrived from Svostrup 2. nov 1869.

Lemming, 1864-1881 opslag 145 no 26:
Mette Katr. Nielsen, 20 1/2 years, servant, moving 1 nov 1870 to Hinge parish.

Hinge, 1854-1874, opslag 173 no 16:
Mette Cathr. Nielsen, 21 years, servant arrived 2. nov 1870 from Lemming.

She moved from Hinge to Lemming 7. nov 1871. Lemming 1864-1881, opslag 135 no 23.

From 1875 servants moving from one parish to another were no longer registered in the churchbooks. So I am not able to help you further, it is like looking for the needle in the haystack.
Good luck with your searching.

Regards Anni

Cheryl Hedges

thank you Anni,
I can find the parish & year range, but unable to open to search opslag.
Any idea what I need on my computer to do so?

Citat fra: Anni Larsen Dato 18 Jun 2013 - 18:48
Hi Cheryl.

Marriage records for Karen Marie and Mette Cathrine.
Try in first hand the parish where the parents live, when the girls are abt. 20 years old or the girls birth-parishes.
If no luck, then try the parishes near the parishes.

I haven´t found their marriages, but Mette Cathrine moved as follows:
Lemming, 1850-1863, opslag 126 no 8:
Mette Katr. Nielsen, 14 years old, servant, moved to Svostrup parish 20. apr 1863.

Svostrup, 1860-1882, opslag 253 no 8:
Mette Cathrine Nielsen, 14 years old, servant, arrived from Lemming 24 apr 1863.

Lemming, 1864-1881 opslag 134 no 17:
Mette Katr. Nielsen 20 3/4 years, servant, arrived from Svostrup 2. nov 1869.

Lemming, 1864-1881 opslag 145 no 26:
Mette Katr. Nielsen, 20 1/2 years, servant, moving 1 nov 1870 to Hinge parish.

Hinge, 1854-1874, opslag 173 no 16:
Mette Cathr. Nielsen, 21 years, servant arrived 2. nov 1870 from Lemming.

She moved from Hinge to Lemming 7. nov 1871. Lemming 1864-1881, opslag 135 no 23.

From 1875 servants moving from one parish to another were no longer registered in the churchbooks. So I am not able to help you further, it is like looking for the needle in the haystack.
Good luck with your searching.

Regards Anni

Anni Larsen

I have no idea. Have others an explanation ?
Maybe a technical fault, at the moment I can´t go to a street name in census 1916 Copenhagen.

Cheryl Hedges

Hi Anni,

I have found the actual birth records for Adam, Rasmus Peter, Karen Marie & Mette Cathrine NIELSEN.
There are names in column, guessing for christening?  Would they be relatives, such as paternal/maternal grandparents?  I have attempted to transcibe from Danish to English, but the handwriting has tripped me up!! Could you transcribe Adams's for me ?
As you can tell, I have figured out how to view these images.
Thanks for your time,

Citat fra: Anni Larsen Dato 11 Jun 2013 - 20:22
Census 1860 Viborg, Hids, Lemming parish, Nisset a farm

Niels Pedersen Nedergaard, age 45, married, indsidder, dagleier, born in Seerup parish, Viborg
Ane Johanne Adamsdatter, 39, married, his wife, Svostrup parish, Viborg
Mette Cathrine Nielsen, 12, their daughter, here in parish (= Lemming)
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 9, their son, here in parish
Adam Nielsen, 7, their son, here in parish
Karen Marie Nielsen, 4, thedir daughter, Sinding parish, Viborg

Found following information of Rasmus Peter Nielsen:
Serup parish, Hids, Viborg, 1885-1891, opslag 69 no 4
Bachelor dairyman of Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen, 39 years old.
Girl of Serup Inger Kirstine Hansen, 22 years old.
Married 12. nov 1890.

Serup, 1885-1891, opslag 26 no 6
Niels Johannes Nielsen, born 29. juni 1891, bapt. 26. juli.
Parents: Dairyman in Serup Rasmus Peter Nielsen and wife Inger Kirstine Hansen, 23 years old.

Niels Johannes confirmation 1. oct 1905. Serup 1892-1913, opslag 123 no 2.

Serup, 1892-1913, opslag 204 no 2
Rasmus Peter Nielsen, died 5. sept 1910, buried 10. sept Serup Churchyeard.
Worker, indsidder in Serup Mark (born in Lemming) married to Inger Kirstine Hansen.
Parents Smallfarmer in Lemming Niels Pedersen Nedergaard and wife Johanne Adamsdatter.

Anni Larsen

Inger Toudal


Lemming, Hids, Viborg 1850-1863, opslag 15:

Birth: d: 16 januar 1854

Name: Adam Nielsen

Baptism: Døbt i Kirken den 19de Marts 1854

Parents: Huusmand Niels Pedersen Nedergaard og
Hustrue Ane Johanne Adamsdatter i Lemming

Witnesses: Gaardmand Søren Jensen Birchs Hustrue
Ane Marie Pedersdatter af Balle Sogn og
Huusmand Niels Jensen Høys Hustrue Marie
Kirstine Mortensdatter af Lemming.
Huusmændene: Niels Christian Pedersen
Raunholt, Laurs Laursen og Lukas Nielsen
Alle af  Lemming.

Index: Folio 236. No 5

Remarks: -

Some of the witnesses may be relatives.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Inger Toudal


Ane Johanne's parents:

Viborg, Hids, Svostrup, Allingskovgaard, et Afbyggerhuus, 19, FT-1834, B7831
Name    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:
Karen Christensdatter   54    gift      Huusmandskone   
Ane Johanne Adamsdatter   13    ugift      hendes Datter

Viborg, Hids, Svostrup, Allingskovgaard, [gård], 16, FT-1834, B7831
Name    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:
Herman van Deurs   21    gift      Ejer af Gaarden   
Jeannette Marie van Deurs   26    gift      hans Kone   
Elisabeth Christiane Hanum   23    ugift      Huusjomfrue   
Ane Marie Jensdatter   26    ugift      tjenestepige   
Ane Sørensdatter   17    ugift      tjenestepige   
Martin Lorentz   39    ugift      Avlskarl   
Peder Rasmussen   28    ugift      tjenestekarl   
Anders Jensen   24    ugift      tjenestekarl   
Søren Jensen   17    ugift      tjenestekarl   
Christen Mikkelsen   46    gift      tjenestekarl   
Søren Isaksen   46    Enkemand      tjenestekarl   
Adam Laursen   41    gift      tjenestekarl   
Peder Knudsen   44    gift      tjenestekarl

- she' living with her mother in a house, her father is registered at the farm where he works.

Viborg, Hids, Svostrup, Allingskovgaard, Paa gaardens mark,et huus, 4, FT-1845, C0784
Name    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Adam Laursen   52    Gift      Lever af sin jordlod   Frederiks sogn Wiborg amt
Karen Christensdatter   65    Gift      Hans kone   Sahl sogn Wiborg amt

In 1845 Ane Johanne and Niels Pedersen are working at the manor Allinggaard:

Viborg, Hids, Svostrup, Allinggaard, , 1, FT-1845, C0784
Name    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      Birth place:
Casper Heinrich Voerbek   47    Gift      Eier af gaarden   Klitz Mechlenborg Sverin
Chatarine Wilhelmine født Hildebrand   35    Gift      Hans kone   Krempe
Emilie Eugenie Vorbek   11    Ugift      Deres barn   Slagelse landsogn
Adolph Hermann Vorbek   7    Ugift      Deres barn   Heri sognet
Emma Sauter   18    Ugift      Lærerinde   Kjøbenhavn
Ernst Woetmann   30    Ugift      Forwalter   Levring sogn Wiborg amt
Peder Andersen   25    Gift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Johannes Cramer   24    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Frederiks sogn Wiborg amt
Jens Jensen   29    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Lemming sogn Wiborg amt
Laurs Hillerman Jørgensen   23    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Grønbek sogn Viborg amt
Niels Pedersen   30    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Seerup sogn Wiborg amt
Phillip Frederik Bitsch   26    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Frederiks sogn Wiborg amt
Peder Jensen   18    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Laurs Jørgensen   60    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Wejerslev sogn Viborg amt
Mathias Jensen   30    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Anders Michael Nielsen   15    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Drudea Sørensdatter   23    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Anne Marie Kirstine Pedersdatter   23    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet
Karen Sørensdatter   26    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Lemming sogn Wiborg amt
Anne Johanne Adamsdatter   24    Ugift      Tjenestefolk   Heri sognet

Niels Pedersen was born 11 April 1815. His parents are:
Huusmand Peder Nielsen Nedergaard og
Hustrue Mette Katrine Espersdatter i Høegdahl.

Serup, Hids, Viborg 1814-1835, opslag 10.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal