Translation of 1884 birth record from Frederiksberg, Kobenhavn

Startet af Ruth Becker Morenz, 13 Maj 2013 - 16:42

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Ruth Becker Morenz

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would translate what is written in the far right hand column  of the birth record for a baby boy born 24 Sept 1874.

I found the record at 1873-1875 Frederiksberg, Sokkelund, Kobenhavn
Opslag 110, 1st entry.

I am also curious why there is reference to Trinitatis Parish under the date of his birth.  His mother is Louise Cathrine Becker.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

Ruth Becker Morenz

Ralph Rasmussen


Indført I Frederiksberg Sogns Kirke-
bog, I henhold til forordningen
af 24 Januar 1844 § 5 og Skrivelse af
27 October 1874 fra Frederiksberg fattig-
væsen, da Moderen timaaneders-
dagen før Nedkomst havde Ophold
I de Hageske boliger ved Godthaabs......


Noted in Frederiksberg parish register according to decree of January 24, 1844 section 5 and communication of October 27, 1874 from Frbg 'fattigvæsen', as the mother lived in the Hagelse apartments ten months to the day before giving birth.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ruth Becker Morenz

Dear Ralph,

Thank you so very much for taking the time to help me with this.  I so appreciate it.

Ruth Becker Morenz

Ruth Becker Morenz


Would you know why Trinitatis is referenced under the birth date?


Ralph Rasmussen

Trinitatis should be the parish with his name and birth record, but no luck.  Nothing in Family Search seems to match, except a reference to this record.

In the 1880 census there is a family that might contain this youngster, but only if Louise has married the father after 1874.  If that is the case, that is again something that doesn't appear in Family Search.
Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Ruth Becker Morenz

Thank you, Ralph, for that clarification.  I do not know if Louise did indeed marry the gentleman she is living with in 1880.  I will continue to search the church records.

Thanks again,

Inger Toudal

Hi Ruth,

The child has no number in the leftmost column in Frederiksberg church book, which means he was not born in the parish. 10 months prior to the birth, his mother lived in Hage's apartments at Godthaabsvej, so according to the decree mentioned, Frederiksberg Municipality would support him if needed.

The boy was born in Trinitatis parish. I found him in Skt Paul 1867-1876, opslag 182 # 220, but still no name !! The mother is unmarried Louise Cathrine Becker, Helsingørsgade 17, the alleged father of the child secretary Frederik Vilhelm Winther.

Skt Paul became an independent parish only in 1877 - from 1858 to 1877 it was Trinitatis northern church district under Trinitatis parish. On ArkivalierOnline, the church books are listed under Skt Paul.

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Inger Toudal


København, København (Staden), Nørrebrogade (lige numre), Kjøbenhavn Udenbys Klædebo Kvarter, Nørrebrogade 10,matr.5E Bagbygn.4.Sal, 17, FT-1885, D2462
Name:  Age:  Marital status:  Position in household:  Occupation:  Birth place:
Fredrik Vilhelm Vinther 74  Gift Husfader Pensjon Kjøbenhavn
Louise Chatrine Vinther 49  Gift Husmoder  Kjøbenhavn
Michael Christian Vinther 17  Ugift Søn Tømmerlærling Kjøbenhavn
Marie Christiane Vinther 14  Ugift Datter  Kjøbenhavn
Emil Ole Vinther 6  Ugift Søn  Kjøbenhavn
Kirstine Olsen 64  Enke logerende Skræddersyning Skjørpinge,Antvorskov Amt
Anna Petersen 58  Ugift logerende Vadsk og Rengjøring Sverrig
Anton J.Isbrand 24  Ugift logerende Stolemagersvend Kjøbenhavn
Hanne Cathrine Hansen 23  Ugift logerende Haandarbeide,Syning Babberup,Dalby Sogn

The father of the boy seems to be this gentleman:

København, København (Staden), Nørre Kvarter, Nørre Kvarter III, Nørrevold 228, 3die sal til höire, 1875, FT-1850, C1883
Name:  Age:  Marital status:  Position in household:  Occupation:  Birth place:
Frederik Wilhelm Winther 39  Gift  krigssecretair, assistent i Raadstuens arkiw ?? Kjøbenhavn
Sophie Amalia Winther 40  Gift  sidstnævntes hustru Kallundborg
Johan Joachim Schlage Winther 9  Ugift  børn Kjøbenhavn
Anna Catarina Winther 9  Ugift  børn Ditto
Marie Erikke Elise 8  Ugift  børn Ditto
Emilie Sophie Amalia 7  Ugift  børn Ditto
Christiane Michaeline Fransisca 4  Ugift  børn Ditto
Axeline Juliane 2  Ugift  børn Ditto
Margrethe Mortensdatter 26  Fraskilt  tjenende Ditto
Kirsten Hansdatter 21  Ugift  tjenende Eibÿ  

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Inger Toudal


The marriage took place 15 March 1880.

Skt Stefan 1878-1882, opslag 331 # 43.

Widower after 1st marriage, Cand. juris FVW, 69 y, and Miss LKB, 44y, Vævergade 8, 4th floor.
15 March 1880 at home, by royal permission of 13 March 1880.

So at the census 1 Feb. 1880 they were almost married :)

I found this about Frederik Vilhelm and his brother in

B: Frederik Wilhelm                                               Født: 13.06.1810
F: Christian Michael Winther - kopist i raadstuen                 Døbt: 15.07.1810
M: Anne Cathrine Steensen                                         Sogn: Helligånd               
Anm: Bor BROLÆGGERSTR.123                                         KBog: 1-6-10

B: Axel Ferdinand                                                 Født: 11.08.1812
F: Christian Michael Winther - kopist                             Døbt: 13.09.1812
M: Anne Cathrine Steensen                                         Sogn: Helligånd               
Anm: Bor BROLÆGGERSTR.123                                         KBog: 1-6-10  

Best regards,
Inger T.
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Ruth Becker Morenz

Dear Inger,

You are a saint!  Oh my gosh.  The information you found is unbelievable.  I have been dumbfounded as to how many children that Louise had and never married.  Her oldest children were fathered by Peter Julius Winther, according to their birth records.  She never married him but had at least 4 children with him.

I am glad that she finally married.  Between the two of them, they had LOTS of children.  Wow.

I still cannot believe you found all this info.  I will be eternally grateful.  God bless you.

Ruth Becker Morenz