Translation from Tønder

Startet af Marlon Henvit, 09 Dec 2011 - 19:36

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Marlon Henvit

Would someone please attempt a reading and translation of Tønder, Tønder, Tønder 1653-1726, 1st column next to last record.

Thank you for your time.

Marlon Henvit
Reno, Nevada USA

Inger Buchard

You need to tell us more:
Tønder: OK
1653-1726: OK
which 'Opslag'?
1st column next to last record: OK
the name of the person you are looking for?

Redaktør på DIS-Wiki

Marlon Henvit

I am sorry. Opslag 287.

Marlon Henvit
Reno, Nevada USA

Inger Buchard

No, I can't get much out of this entry.
April 24th
Hr. Christian ...
Gev. (witnesses):
(3 persons)
to the right the name of the child: ?

eodem: on the same day baptized
Sören ... ('s child)
+ two persons

to the right the name of the child: ?

What did you hope to see?

Redaktør på DIS-Wiki

Marlon Henvit

With my active imagination I thought I may have seen Bossen. I am searching for the birth of Hans Bossen who died 23 May 1776 age 71. Tønder book 1763-1785 Opslag 419.

Marlon Henvit
Reno, Nevada USA

Marlon Henvit

Thanks for your help Inger.

Marlon Henvit
Reno, Nevada USA