Hejls sogn Haderslev

Startet af Paul Londahl-Smidt, 13 Sep 2011 - 19:04

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Paul Londahl-Smidt

I found the following record and was wondering if the Hejls sogn records for circa 1810 are online.  Mange tak.

All persons in the household

Vejle, Bjerre, Vrigsted, Løgballe, , Et Huus, 52, FT-1845
Name:    Age:    Marital status:    Occupation in household:    Occupation:    Birth place:
Peter Christian Hansen   35    Gift      Huusmand   Heils Sogn Haderslev Amt
Christiane Nielsdatter   37    Gift      hans Kone   Snede Sogn Veile Amt [Øster Snede]
Christian Hansen   8    -      deres Børn   Her i Sognet
Bodild Hansdatter   7    -      deres Børn   Her i Sognet
Ane Hansen   4    -      deres Børn   Her i Sognet
Nielssine Hansen   2    -      deres Børn   Her i Sognet

Med venlig hilsen

Flemming A. Aasklint

Hi Paul

Vejle Amt
Nørre Tyrstrup Herred
Hejls Sogn
Flemming Aasklint
4500  Nykøbing Sjælland

Eva Morfiadakis

Your find the birth of a Peter Christiansen Hansen in Hejls, Nørre Tystrup, Vejle,  image 72 (1763-1826).
Born 30 Jan. 1811. Can't read the name of the parents. Place: Blaugaards Mark

Eva M
Eva M

Niels Bjøreng

Hello Paul,

en Søn af Parcelisten paa Vargaard (?) Mark
Christian Jensen og Hustrue Anna PetersD.

Venlig hilsen

Paul Londahl-Smidt

Many, many thanks Flemming, Eva, and Niels.  I saw Hejls in Vejle but thought that was not Haderslev, so I didn't look at that kirkebog.  I now know to keep on trying.

Med venlig hilsen

Paul Londahl-Smidt

I have found Peter Christian Hansen and his parents in two more records, both in Hejls kirkebog 1778-1837.  The first is his birth, opslag 49 nr 2, and the second is his confirmation, opslag 127 nr 4.  Is the father Christian Hansen?

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