Struggling to find American emigrant with common name pre-immigration

Startet af mvhove, 20 Aug 2023 - 09:22

Forrige emne - Næste emne



My great-great-great-grandmother was named Christina Jensen. Here's the information I have on her from the oldest to newest sources:

Christina Jensen married Georg Johansen on 21 August 1886 at Independent Evangelical Lutheran Bethany Church in Chicago, IL. There are both listed as being "of Denmark." I have information on Georg's family up to his grandparents. There is a civil record of this marriage listing Christina's age at the time as 22 years old, born ~1864. It lists her husband as 23 (he was actually 22 at the time).

Their first daughter Dorthea Christine Johansen was baptized 19 October 1887 at the same church. Her birthdate is listed as 20 June 1887. She was my great-great-grandmother. Their second daughter Johanne Cecilia Johansen was baptized at the same church on 1 April 1890 with a birthdate listed as 16 October 1889. In both records, she is listed as "Christine Jensen."

She is next listed in the 1900 U.S. Census. She is listed as "Christiana Johansen," born in January 1866 in Denmark and is listed as being 34. I do not take the birthmonths given in this census as gospel as I have found them to be inaccurate in the past. Her immigration year is not listed in this record. Her husband's is and is accurate to his record in the Danish Emigration Index.

Next, she is listed in the 1910 U.S. Census. She is listed again as "Christiana Johansen," age 44, born ~1866. She is listed as being married for 24 years (which is accurate) and significantly as having immigrated in 1885. Once again though this must be taken with a grain of salt as her husband is listed as having immigrated in 1887 when in fact he immigrated in 1882. This record also seems to eliminate Slesvig-Holsten as her husband was from Haderslev and is listed as being born in "Ger. Danish," while she is listed as being born in "Den. Danish."

Finally, she died on 28 August 1912 and her death record lists her as age 47, or born ~1865. Her parents are both listed as being born in Denmark, but their names are listed as unknown. These are all the records I have, and nothing further has been found on her background from the records of her two daughters.

I have searched through the emigration records and found several Christine, Christina, and Christiana Jensens/Jensdatters that could possibly be her and was wondering if there was any way to whittle it down further than I already have. I understand this may be impossible. Thank you for your time.
Maeve Andersen
New York City, NY, USA