Siblings that went to USA and Australia

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 25 Jan 2018 - 23:50

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

I am trying to find some information about when some people went to Australia ?

They are siblings

1) Astrid Elisabeth Clausen goes to USA 27/12/1899 from Köbenhavn.
b. 2. mars 1873 in Vor Frelser-sókn,

2) Eva Anna Helene Clausen, later married James Lee in Australia.
b. 23. okt. 1871 in Frederiksberg-sókn

3) Poul Claus Clausen,
b. 4. apríl 1875, [Stykkishólmi?] in Iceland
Farmer in Australia.

I can find Astrid  here:
But not the others  >:(

Any idea where to search ?

Venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

John Damm Sørensen

Dette kunne være Poul Claus Poulsens statsborgerskab. Man kan anmode om en kopi, men det koster et mindre beløb.
