Hans Olesen from Rønnebæk

Startet af Kerry Larson, 06 Dec 2017 - 05:39

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Kerry Larson

I'm looking for Hans Olesen, father of Henric Hansen born in 1744 in Rønnebæk.  Is this baptism entry in 1711 for a Hans Olesen?
Jeg leder efter Hans Olesen, far til Henric Hansen født 1744 i Rønnebæk. Er denne dåb post i 1711 for en Hans Olesen?

Right page, 7th entry down / Højre side, 7. indgang ned

Ole Westermann

Yes, could be him.

Ole Christensøns Søn i Rønnebek, som Major Schavenii Frue bar Dom. 24 p.Trinit
Ole Christensens son in Rønnebek, who major Schavenius' wife carried Dom. 24 p.Trinit


Kerry Larson

Thanks Ole!  I'll look into it further.

Kerry Larson

I believe I've found his marriage record.

Second entry under 1743

I think it says the following but would appreciate an expert's reading:

Fest:  Punfic:  Mar:  Hans Olafsen and
Maren Andersdatter: fovl/fore Rasmus Oles
sen and Mads Pedersen in Ronnebech

Edit:  But would Olafsen or Olufsen be equivalent to Olesen?  Maybe this isn't his marriage record.

Ole Westermann

  Trolofvede  1743
Fest.  Purific. Mar.  Hans Olufsen og
Maren Andersdaatter. Forl(overe) Rasmus Oluf-
sen og Mads Pedersen i Rønnebech
---------------- translation
Betrothed  1743
Fest.  Purific. Mar. (Febr.2)  Hans Olufsen and
Maren Andersdatter. Best men Rasmus Oluf-
sen and Mads Pedersen in Rønnebech

and their marriage next column in 1743 Dom. 23 p.Trinit. (Nov.17)

Oluf (more seldom Olaf) is the oldest version of the name, in daily speech often called Ole/Olle.


Kerry Larson


You should be the expert on the name Ole!  Just to make sure I understand, it would be common to interchange Oluf and Ole?  Thank you.


Kerry Larson

Follow-up question on baptism record of Hans Olufsen's son, Henric:

Second up from bottom right

Dom. 19 p. Trinit. Hans Olufsens son in
Ronnebeck Henric

After that, are any of the other names specified as family members?

Ole Westermann

Your reading is followed by
carried by Niels Jensen's wife Anne in Colbye.
Witn: Rasmus Olufsen, Søren Andersen, and his brothers* Jørgen and Anders, Oluf Rod's wife Anne.
        *prob. brothers to Søren Andersen

Kerry Larson


You are probably right about the brothers.  Looks like Danish can be just as ambiguous as English.  Thanks so much for your help.


Kerry Larson

Perhaps a better possibility for Hans Olufsen, son of Hans Olufsen.

2 above 1715 on left

Could I get a translation?  Thanks.

Ole Westermann

Hans Olsøns Søn i Kirkegaarden, som Martha Hemmes bar Dom.26 p.Trinit.
Hans Ol(uf)søns son in the cemetary, who Martha Hemme's carried Dom.26 p.Trinit.

So it seems, that HO worked in/on the cemetary.

Kerry Larson

Doh!  I got my patronyms confused.  His son would be Oluf Olufsen, not Hans Olufsen.

Thanks for the help Ole.

Ole Westermann

It would in fact be Oluf Hansen (son of Hans) - I hadn't noticed that either in your question.

Sometimes the brain in on stand-by.