Help reading birth record for Niels Hansen Sørensen

Startet af Philip Weiss, 06 Apr 2011 - 02:00

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Philip Weiss

Hello, I was pointed to this web site and forum for questions on Danish heritage, so I am hopeful someone will be able to!

I found the birth record for my 2nd great grandfather Niels Hansen Sørensen in Bøstrup, Langelands, and I can read out the parents names (Johan Sørensen and Marthe Kirstine Nielsen) but between my lack of knowledge of Danish and the poor quality of the record, I am unsure of the rest of the contents for that column (the other columns are clear enough).

Could someone make a guess as to the rest of the column? I would really appreciate the help.  I am attempting to attach the image of that row to this message.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Ralph Rasmussen

Fruentimmer Marthe Kirstine
Nielsen af Løv?, som barne-
fader udlagdes Ungkarl Johan
Lorensen tj[enende] i Falck

Although it is not numbered here as a baptism in the parish, his baptism in Rudkøbing isn't noted in the parish register there.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Philip Weiss

Citat fra: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 06 Apr 2011 - 04:22
Fruentimmer Marthe Kirstine
Nielsen af Løv?, som barne-
fader udlagdes Ungkarl Johan
Lorensen tj[enende] i Falck

Although it is not numbered here as a baptism in the parish, his baptism in Rudkøbing isn't noted in the parish register there.


Thank you so much! Hopefully I will learn to figure out some of these less than clear records as I look at more of them.

- Phil.

Philip Weiss

Citat fra: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 06 Apr 2011 - 04:22
Fruentimmer Marthe Kirstine
Nielsen af Løv?, som barne-
fader udlagdes Ungkarl Johan
Lorensen tj[enende] i Falck

Although it is not numbered here as a baptism in the parish, his baptism in Rudkøbing isn't noted in the parish register there.


An additional question: can you (or anyone reading this) tell me where Falck might be located.  I haven't been able to figure out where that is. (Searches get drowned out by references to the company Falck.)

Ralph Rasmussen

I have no good answer, even though on close comparison the place name is almost certainly T?lck, not F.lck/Falck.  I have spent some time looking at the old maps on the internet without finding the logical candidate.

The mixture of italic and gothic longhand doesn't make reading these records any more foolproof.

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Lissa Pedersen

Hi Philip,

Fxxx (not Falck) could be Fabek = Fæbæk. See on opslag 6 the Carl Hansen born 3 Aug 1855 - his mother is from Fabek = Fæbæk. You will also find Fabek on other opslag numbers.

You will also see Niels Hansen Sørensen's birth in Skrøbelev parish (1845-1864) - opslag No. 15. It says that his mother is Martha Kirstine Nielsen, 21 yrs old, of gl.Skrøbelev (gl. = gammel = old) - see this:


Lissa Pedersen

Hi Philip,

Here you will find a Marthe .. could be "yours":

Only extract from 1840:

svendborg, Langelands Nørre, Skrøbelev, Et Huus, , , , FT-1840
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place

Niels Hansen 32  Gift  Husmand og daglejer  
Bodil Marie Pedersen 32  Gift  Hans Kone  
Marthe Kirstine Nielsen 6  Ugift  Deres Datter  
Lise Caroline Nielsen 3  Ugift  Deres Datter

In 1834 you will find both a Niels Hansen and a Bodil Marie Pedersdatter as servants (svendborg, Langelands Nørre, Skrøbelev, Kragholm, , Hovedgaarden Faareveile, 63, FT-1834)

Marte(h)e and her mother and siblings could be here:

svendborg, Langelands Sønder, Lindelse, Hersløv Mark, , Et huus, 47, FT-1845
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Johan Friderik Henriksen 49  Gift  Inderste, skjærsliber Her i sognet [Lindelse]
Ane Margrete Nikolaisen 59  Gift  Hans kone Nakskov
Bodil Marie Pedersdatter 39  Enke(mand) (widow) Inderste, almisselem Her i sognet [Lindelse]
Marte Kirstine Nielsen 11  Ugift  Hendes børn Fuglsbølle  sogn, Svendborg Amt
Elise Karoline Nielsen 8  Ugift  Hendes børn Skrøbeløv sogn, Svendborg Amt
Hans Peder Nielsen 4  Ugift  Hendes børn Fuglsbølle sogn, Svendborg Amt
Nielsine Nielsen 1  Ugift  Hendes børn Her i sognet [Lindelse]

If the above Mart(h)e is the right one, you will find her birth in Fuglsbølle parish (1813-1835) - opslag No. 48 - born to Bodil Marie Pedersdatter and alleged father Niels Hansen.


Lissa Pedersen

Hi Philip,

I just wonder whether you could use the info?
