Probate Translation Help

Startet af Casey Christiansen, 28 Dec 2014 - 14:31

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Casey Christiansen

I am trying to determine if Dorthe Pedersdatter, wife of Mads Christensen, was alive at the time of his death.  I cannot read what it says about her.

Probate from Ruds Vedby, Holbæk.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Bodil Pedersen


I haven't read all, but as far as I can see the last line says:
Enken Dorthe Pedersdatter Ønsked for det første at sidde i uskiftet Bo.

Firstly* The widow Dorthe Pedersdatter wished to retain undivided possession of the estate.

So she must be alive!

* for det første = firstly? or maybe for the time being.

Happy New Year


Casey Christiansen

Thank you!  That's exactly what I needed

Happy New Year!