Translation Please

Startet af Mike Jones, 30 Jan 2011 - 14:03

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Mike Jones

Hello Everyone,

Would some please translate these records for me.

About a third of the way down on the page you will see the name Ellen Maria, I would like to have this record translated, also on the same page the last entry for the month of November you will again see the name Ellen Maria, I assume this to be the death record, would also like to have this translated.

can be found here 1719-1761 Kerteminde, Bjerge, Odense, opslag 61

Thanks you all very much for your help.
Mike Jones

Asger Berg

Hi Mike Jones,

Part of the reading is quite tricky!

The first one says, that
The same day (November 6th) Hans Nielsen Rasch's little
daughter called Ellen Maria ... (and then the names of the wittnesses - are they relevant to you?)

The second one says:
The 28 Dit. (ditto = November) Hans Nielsen Rasch's wife in church after
her daughter Ellen Maria

So the second one has to do with the introduction ceremony after a woman has given birth.


Med venlig hilsen
Asger Berg

Hillerød Lokalhistoriske Forening

Mike Jones

Thank you Asger for your help.

A for the names of the witnesses, it sometimes help lead to other ancestors, so if they are easliy readable, it would be great to have that as well.

Mike Jones

Asger Berg

Hi again,

As for witnesses, I read it as:

Christian Vestergaards ?Thom...
Datter bahr hende. Raadm.* Schöths Pige Anna ging
hos; Fadd:
* Raadmand

My translation/ interpretation:

Christian Vestergaard's (?Thomsen's)
Daughter carried her. Alderman Schöth's girl Anna
accompanied /stood by); sponsors: (and then some lines left for the names, but never completed)

Best regards,
Med venlig hilsen
Asger Berg

Hillerød Lokalhistoriske Forening

Mike Jones

Hello Asger,

Thank you so much for all your help, it is very much appreciated .

Mike Jones