Need help with Thisted, Refs, Ydby 1833 – 1845 opslag 183 no.2

Startet af Paul Olesen, 29 Jan 2014 - 02:08

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Paul Olesen

The Death of Iver Christensen 13 June 1838 is found at Thisted, Refs, Ydby   1833 – 1845 opslag 183  no.2. I think the fourth column says "Gårdmand i Ydby?."  Please correct if wrong and tell me what else is written in that column.

Thank You
Paul Olesen   

Inger Toudal

The same record is found here:

I read:

i Ydbyegaard
Søn af Ch Andersen
A?lsmd i Thisted

As his father's given name must be Christen, it could be this Iver:

Thisted, Hundborg, Thisted Købstad, Nørregade, No. 92, 98, FT-1787, B1185
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:      
Christen Andersen    54    Gift    hosbonde    aulsmand    
Dorthe Andersdatter    54    Gift    hans koene       
Maren Christensdatter    17    Ugift    deres datter       
Anne Christensdatter    16    Ugift    deres datter       
Iver Christensen    12*    Ugift    deres søn
* age should be checked in the original census

That would fit with his oldest daughter being named Dorthe after his mother:

Thisted, Refs, Ydby, Ydbye Bye, ingen, 8, FT-1801, B4252
Name:    Age:    Marital status:      Position in household:      Occupation:
Iver Christensen    30    Gift    Hosbonde    Gaardmand    
Kirsten Jensdatter    38    Gift    Konen       
Dorethe -    8    Ugift    deres barn       
Anne -    5    Ugift    deres barn       
Christen -    3    Ugift    deres barn       
Mariane -    1    Ugift    deres barn       
Lars Madsen    38    Ugift    Tjenestefolk       
Kirstine Gregersdatter    30    Ugift    Tjenestefolk       
Niels Nielsen    15    Ugift    Tjenestefolk

It's always wortwhile finding the clearer images, when available, at

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal