General Query about Reserching School Records (circa 1870 - 1900)

Startet af Max Rasmussen, 28 Jan 2014 - 22:55

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Max Rasmussen

I would like to know if it is possible to find information about schools in the period 1870 - 1900, as I would like to try to find out which schools my Great-Grandparents may have attended.  Are there any school roles available online, or would the records be best obtained directly from the local archives.

My Great-Grandfather Anthon Marius Rasmussen, was born 1872 in Branderslev but spent his early years in Nakskov, while my Great-Grandmother Karen Marie Ida Chritiansen was born 1868 in Slagelse. I have addresses in both towns for them during this time so would it be possible to establish which school they may have attended. In fact as a girl of that period, would my Great-Grandmother actually gone to school.

Later between 1896 - 1898 the family moved to København, were my Grandfather Gerog (b. 1896) and his elder brother Axel (b. 1895) would have gone to school until the family left for UK in 1901 (once again I have addresses for their period in København).

Max Rasmussen
Med venlig hilsen

Max Rasmussen - Norfolk, England

Jan Thomsen

Hi Max,

I did a quick search at the National Archive search engine "Daisy" on "Elevfortegnelse" which Means Pupil Directory and I got a hit of 80+ schools.

You should be able to get an account yourself and figure out if the schools you are interested in are listed.  is the link to the National Archives and I can see you can switch to English menues.

Keep in mind that in most cases you have to go physically to the archive institution where the protocols are phyiscally located and look at them yourself, or get someone to do it for you.

Jan Thomsen
Jan Thomsen

Max Rasmussen

Hej Jan,

Thanks for the lead, I have looked on "Daisy" and as you said found a long list of schools - I would never have been able to locate these without the key word "Elevfortegnelse" that you gave me.

In the list is "Nakskov Folkeskole", unfortunately only from 1905 onwards, so a little late for my Great-Grandfather, but possibly covering some of his cousin's family (which I have also been researching).

Luckily I have a second cousin who is resident in Denmark and he may be able to check these records for me.

Mange tak

Max Rasmussen
Med venlig hilsen

Max Rasmussen - Norfolk, England