looking for location of farm“Hillerupholm”at Farup?worked by Holger Nicolajsen

Startet af Jeffrey Mikkelsen, 27 Jan 2014 - 04:55

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Jeffrey Mikkelsen

Looking for location of farm "Hillerupholm"at Farup??
Worked by Holger Nicolajsen (Nicolaisen?) (1970).

His Mother Maren Hjorth SORENSEN was living with the family, aged 83 Y in 1970.
My cousin Suzan Mikkelsen met these step cousins in 1970 ,
when she and her father visited Denmark.
Any information would be Welcome.

Thank You.

Jeff Mikkelsen

Helmer Christiansen

Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Asger Dahl Hansen

The farm Hillerupholm is located at Hillerup Markvej 6, 6760 Ribe.

Attached: Photo of the farmhouse.

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Med venlig hilsen
Asger Dahl Hansen - 2900