Translation help please

Startet af Kelli Wiuff, 29 Jan 2011 - 15:26

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Kelli Wiuff

Please translate the following record for Maren Jensdatter Wiuff.

Vejle Amt Vejstrup Sogn 1776-1830 opslag 131 first entry.  It looks like the father is Jens Petersen Wiuff of Grønninghoved, but I can not read the mother's name or place.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Kelli Wiuff

Inger Buchard

This entry says:
Maren Jensdatter Wiuff, en Datter
af Gaardmanden Jens Petersen Wiuff i
Siølund og Hustrue Margarethe fød Refshauge: born Refshauge

You can find the surname Refshauge in Haderslev County - it seems also to be the name of a farm in Fjelstrup parish

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Kelli Wiuff

Thanks for the help and the hint.

Kelli Wiuff