Translation Please

Startet af Mike Jones, 25 Jan 2011 - 23:40

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Mike Jones


Looking to have a few reocrds from the Kerteminde, Bjerge, Odense, AO translated.

Conrad Haugaard, first one for the moth of February.
1761-1814 Kerteminde, Bjerge, Odense
Opslag 504

Marie Elisabeth, death record date 14 May 1815
1814-1829 Kerteminde, Bjerge, Odense,
opslag 151, record #9


Michael Jones

Ulf J. Krarup

Good morning Mike!

Re: AO church book Kerteminde parish, Bjerge district, Odense County, 1761 ~ 1814, opslag 504, I read:
6 th,
burried at the churchyard outside the town, hatter Conrad Haugaard, 80 years old.

Remarks: the funerals mentioned February, 17th and 20th both took place at the new churchyard, this is for your information only.

Re: AO church book Kerteminde parish, Bjerge district, Odense County, 1814 ~ 1829, opslag 151, #9:

Heading: Death Kerteminde, females
No: 9
Date of death: 1815, May, 14 th
Date of funeral: 1815, May, 19th
Name of the dead person: Marie Elisabeth ....
Position: a child of the late Conrath Haugaard, hatter here in this town.
Age: 8 years old
Reference number in the reference data sheet: page 105 #170.38
Med venlig hilsen
Ulf (5250 Odense SV)

Mike Jones

Thank you so much for your help.
