1827 Marriage record Translation Please

Startet af Karen Weiss, 04 Sep 2013 - 21:12

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Karen Weiss

Would someone please translate this wedding information:

1813-1833 Sonder Kongerslev, Hellum, Aalborg Church Archives
opslag 73, # 2
1827 Juli  26
Andreas Mortensen, 19 3/4, & Johanne Sorensdatter, 28

There seems to be a good amount of information including parents name and places of birth.

They had a daughter, Inger Marie Andreasen,  b.  22 Nov 1827.  She married Niels Andersen, b. 2 jan 1822, in Dec 27, 1855, so I may be able to find their death dates.
It seems they remained in the same area of S. Kongerslev.

Thank you,
Karen Weiss.

Inger Toudal


Andreas Morten-
Kudsk i Præste-
gaarden 19 3/4
Aar gl
Vactioneret af
Dr Cortius 1813

Pigen Johanne
Kokkepige i
Gl 28
har havt Na-
turlige Kopper
efter Faderens
Erklæring og
af et lidet
Ar i Ansig-

1 Skolelæ-
rer og
ger Mor-
ten Chresten-
sen Brud-
2 Huusmd
Søren Lar-
sen. Brud-
dens Fader
fra Bælum

d. 26 Juli
i Kirken

Ægteskabets Tillysning d 4 Juni

Bachelor Andreas Mortensen
Coachman in the vicarage
19 3/4 years old
Vaccinated by Dr Cortius 1813

Maid Johanne Sørensdatter
Cook in the vicarage
old 28
Has had natural smallpox
according to the father's
declaration and showing
of a small scar in the face

1 School teacher and
cantor Morten
Chrestensen, the
bridegroom's father
2 Smallholder Søren
Larsen, the bride's
father from Bælum.

The marriage took place 26 July in the church

The banns were announced 4 June

In the remarks column: the bondsmen's standard declaration.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Karen Weiss

Thank you so much Inger,

     I appreciate the Danish and English translation both.  It should help me with reading the Danish records.  It is difficult reading some of the handwriting.  I have a small Danish Geneological Dictionary which I use, but sometimes it just isn't enough.

Best Regards,