Do you recognize Augusta Wilhelmina among your ancestors?

Startet af Tom Nurmi, 14 Jan 2011 - 00:28

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Tom Nurmi

If you recognize a woman in Denmark with the given names Augusta Wilhelmina born in 1894 among your ancestors or relatives, please read my story from 13:th of December in this forum.
All information about her is wellcome.
Best regards Tom Nurmi

Lis B. Jensen

Hi Tom

Could You please place a link to the story from 13:th of December in this forum.

Lis B. Jensen
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Tom Nurmi

Best Liz:
I am sorry for late reply. I did read your comments long time ago, but I don´t know how to make or insert such a link, but please go backwards some pages in this forum until you find the story dated 13:th of December 2010.If you have any information to give, do not hestate sending me that.
Best regards Tom