FT-1885 - where is it found?

Startet af Sue Murphy, 08 Jan 2011 - 10:27

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Sue Murphy

Where can one find the FT1885?  Are there other census other than the 1880 and 1890 that are available through Statens Arkivers?

Sue, Melb, Aus

Helmer Christiansen

The 1885 census was a local census, which only includes Copenhagen. Copy of the original forms are not available on arkivalieronline.dk but you can search transcribed data on http://www.ddd.dda.dk/ddd_en.htm.


Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Ulf J. Krarup

Good morning Sue!

Regarding availability of census, take a look at this diagram: http://www.dis-danmark.dk/kipkort/fronta-e.php
Med venlig hilsen
Ulf (5250 Odense SV)