Need date and where groom is from in Marriage record in Saeby, '

Startet af Claude Anders Hanson, 27 Okt 2017 - 04:04

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Claude Anders Hanson

I need to know if the date is December 1, 1795 and where Anders Petersen, the groom is from.  The entry is the 7th from the top or the last entry for 1795.  Thanks, Claude

Inger Toudal

Your date is correct. The groom is from Risum (probably in Aasted parish, Harre county).

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Claude Anders Hanson

Claude Anders Hanson

I found it!  I thought Viborg was the same as what we call a county.  Thanks again.  Claude

Inger Toudal

My mistake. Harre is a district (herred) in Viborg county (amt). Sorry!

Best regards,
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Lynn Christiansen


Go to:

click button "Stednavn" Enter "Risum" and click "søg"

Last location in Viborg


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Claude Anders Hanson

Thanks Inger and Lynn - I'm still looking for some clue to find Jacob Pedersen's apparent father Peder Bach. or BAK or BACK...(since I was a band director a hundred years ago, I'm hoping it was BACH!!!)

Claude Anders Hanson

Oops!  I meant Anders Petersen's father - the Bach man.  Sorry, Clod