Translation of Source in Kerteminde, Odense

Startet af Sallie Hobbs, 11 Jul 2012 - 06:00

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Sallie Hobbs

On this page, there is a .pdf file, apparently a book excerpt, about the church in Kerteminde, Odense.

On page 2047 the book mentions the sword of Oberstlieutenant Andreas Crane. On page 2066, I think footnote 425 gives a source that the author used for Crane's burial date.
Could someone tell me what this means?

   LAFyn. Stiftsøvr.ark. Rgsk. 1732-93

I have quoted the relevant paragraphs below my signature.

We had a long conversation about Oberstlieutenant Crane back in October.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards,
Sallie Hobbs

page 2047
2) (Jf. fig. 125), o. 1748. Kårde og skede, tilhørende oberstløjtnant Andreas Crane. Ophængt
højt på den søndre hvælvkappe mellem midterskibets 4. og 5. fag (ved epitafium nr. 3) over det sted, hvor Crane blev begravet.425

[Fig. 125 is on p. 2018]

page 2066
425 Crane blev begravet i en jordfæstebegravelse under midterskibets mandsstole (dvs. i søndre side), betalingsdato 2. marts 1748, jf. LAFyn. Stiftsøvr.ark. Rgsk. 1732-93.

Jens Viliam Froulund Villumsen

Hi Sallie.

LAFyn is the archive, placed in the city of Odense, where all the archival materials (church books and all administrative materials) related to the Island Fyn (Funen).

Stiftsøvr.ark. Rgsk. = Stiftsøvrighedens arkiv, regnskaber.

Stiftsøvrigheden is the administration related to a Bishop.

Arkiv = Archive.

Regnskaber = Accounts.

I hope this gives you the answer about the source.

Kind regards
mvh. Jens

Sallie Hobbs

Thank you! That is exactly what I need.
Kind regards,