Help reading a word in an opslag

Startet af Mary Jo Houck, 18 Sep 2011 - 20:15

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Mary Jo Houck

Would someone please look at opslag 105 in Garnisons, Sokkelund, København, 1800-1814.  The record is for Lars Oldrup and it is the third one on the page.  I do not understand the words that immediately follows the name of the father, Niels Oldrup, on the same line as his name and also the words on the next line, before Johanne Lars Dtr Birck.
Your help is much appreciated...thanks!
Kind regards
Mary Jo

[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Lissa Pedersen

Hi Mary,

I can only read the line before Johanne:

In St. Kongensgade = Store Kongensgade = a street in Copenhagen

Perhaps others can read the word after Oldrup.


Hanne Bjørn

The word after Oldrup is Kudsk=driver


Mary Jo Houck

Thank you, Lissa and Hanne!  It is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Mary Jo