Translation help please

Startet af David Møller, 02 Nov 2010 - 16:27

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David Møller

1854-1859 Vor Frue, Sokkelund, København, Opslag 88 No. 240 19 May 1857 Carl Christian Møller. Entire row is "ok" to read except the very last column which I can't decipher at all. Perhaps somebody here might have more luck than me in transcribing this?



Ulf J. Krarup

Good afternoon David!

Translation is very difficult - but the meaning is that August, 1st 1859? Karl Christian Breum ??? ??? ???, ??? ??? Niels K?? Møller and wife Magdalene Møller, born Olsen, (he) is granted permission to carry the family name Møller (ie. Karl Christian's surname is now Møller).
Med venlig hilsen
Ulf (5250 Odense SV)

Ole Westermann

Hi David and Ulf

I agree with Ulf, but understand it as Carl Christian Breum according to a permission dated Aug.1,1858 is adopted by Niels Karl? Møller and wife Magdalene Møller, born Olsen, so CCB can carry the family-name Møller.
Maybe CCB's mother and his 'new' mother are sisters ??


David Møller

THanks guys for your speedy response to the difficult transcription!
