Hans Olesen in Rønnebæk

Startet af Kerry Larson, 02 Mar 2024 - 06:25

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Kerry Larson

This is a follow-up to an old topic in 2017:  Hans Olesen from Rønnebæk  I've finally come back to it after many years and am happy that there are now color scans.  His 1743 marriage record showed his best man as Rasmus Olufsen (AO).  Since Rasmus is likely his brother, I decided to go back and look in Rønnebæk for baptism records for a Hans and a Rasmus with a father named Ole.  There is only one combination that I could find:  Hans (https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=469485#469485,84087616, 2nd on right) and Rasmus (https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=469485#469485,84087614, 4th under 1710), both sons of Ole or Oluf Rasmussen (I think).  The other boys named Hans, son of Ole, did not have a brother named Rasmus.

Could I get a transcription of those two baptism records?  Do the fathers Ole and Oluf appear to be the same person?  Thanks.

J. K. Olsen

Hans Ole Rasmussens Søn i Borup, som hans Kones Moder bar
................... son in ...., whom his wife's mother carried
Dom: 19 p. Trinit.

Please note that Borup is a small location within Rønnebæk parish, not the more populous village giving name to Borup parish east of Ringsted.

J. K. Olsen

Lisa Petersen

Rasmus, Oluf Rasmuss Sön i Rönnebek, som Kirsten Rögters bar  Dom: 7tuages:  [Septuagesima = 16 Feb 1710]

But note at the bottom of that page:

Botild, Ole Rasmusöns datter i Borup, som Sösteren Bar eodem die [Dom: 2 Baukanal]

I don't know the date for Botild, but it was sometime in March 1710.

So perhaps the Oluf in Borup is not the same as Ole in Rønnebæk?

Kerry Larson

Thank you Lisa and J. K. for that important information.  It's frustrating but much better than making a wrong conclusion.  Rasmus Olufsen was also present at the birth of Hans Olufsen's two children, so I'm fairly confident that he is a brother: Henric 4 Oct 1744 FS, Kirsten 26 Feb 1747 FS.  I just need to find the right father.

Kerry Larson

I've found a better candidate for the brother of Hans, son of Ole Rasmussen of Borup.  Rasmus was born there in 1707.  2nd under 1707:  AO

Rasmus Oluf Rasmussen son Borup Dom: 5 p. Epiph: ???????  Could I get a transcription of ??????

But there may be another problem.  Is this a burial record for "Anne Pedersdatter from Borrup", wife of Hans Olsen (2nd under 1749, AO).  No ages are given.  My Hans Olesen/Olufsen's wife, Maren Andersdatter, lived through the 1787 census.

J. K. Olsen

Let me give it a try ...

baaren    = carried

af Nils(?) Larsens Kone af Skovmølle  = by Nils(?) Larsen's wife of Skovmølle

Skovmølle is a location in the adjacent parish of Vester Egesborg, cf.

J. K. Olsen

Kerry Larson