Searching for half brother born in Odense

Startet af Lillian Danielsen, 07 Nov 2023 - 01:33

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Lillian Danielsen

My name is Lillian Danielsen,l live in Brisbane,Australia.
I am searching for half a brother born to my father Richard Danielsen, his first wife's name was Grethe Edel Hansen. They married
20/6/44, at Ansgar Church, Odense.
My father's birth date is 1/2/1921
Grethe's birth date is 13/5/1920
My half brother was fostered:adopted when the marriage broke down around 1945. I believe his age could be close to 78 now if alive. l will be 73 soon. I would love to have his name, a picture of him if possible if he is not alive any more and contact with his family if they want to speak with me. I have been searching for him since 2013.l have been advised l need to ask for a reputable genealogist because of the danish laws around adoption.l understand there is a fee attached to this search. I will be so grateful for your help in this matter.
Thanking you, from Lillian

Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Census 1921 write the family came from Nyborg to Odense i 1913.
Folketælling 1921
Tidspunkt - Dag1
Tidspunkt - Måned2
Tidspunkt - År1921
AdresseNørrevoldgade 23, 1. sal [St. Hans]
FødestedAunslev Sogn
År for flytning til kommunen1913
Forrige opholdsstedNyborg
Stilling i husstandenHusfader
KommentarerEjer ejendomme
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Richardt Carlo Danielsen   Male      01 Feb 1921   Grethe Edel Hansen   Female      13 May 1920            443 

no 443 below 
Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Bente Wanning

Venlig hilsen
Bente Wanning 
Hjørring amt <Skæve<Voer<Astrup<Åsted sogne
Hals Arkiv 9370
Medlem af DS Danmark -

Eva Morfiadakis

Sorry date of marriage should 15 July 1944 not 1844.

Eva M
Eva M

Lillian Danielsen

Hello Bent, all the information you collated was wonderful to see, to know you identified my father's sister and brother his father Soren from Nyborg originally before settling in Odense.
To find information of my half brother has been so difficult because of the caveat on children fostered or adopted.
You can email me on;
I don't know how to open your private message. Kind regards Lillian Danielsen