sawmill equipment and personal property in mortgage record, Båg hd. 1895

Startet af Lisa Petersen, 23 Maj 2023 - 22:26

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Lisa Petersen

Near the bottom of the right page in this image,30059004

is a list of sawmill equipment.  Will someone correct my transcription?

...paa nævnte min Eiendom fremharls:  en Dampmaskine med
Dampkjedel, Et Bloksaug Axel og Ruger, 5 Jernremskriver, 7
Remskiver af Træ, 8 Trækremme 1 Runsavmaskine, 2 Baand-
savmaskiner og en Høvlemaskine...

Also, beginning at the bottom of the right page and on to the next page is a list of personal property that he offered as collateral.  Will someone please transcribe these items?  Learning what personal property Rasmus Nielsen had in the home makes him more than a name on paper, so I want to get a good transcription.

På forhånd tak.

Lisa Petersen
near Washington D.C.

Lisa Petersen

I worked on this some more today, and am happy with what I transcribed.  Thanks to all who looked at the image and considered helping.

Lisa P.

Verner Bentsen

I have spoken to a sawmill museum regarding "Et Bloksaug Axel og Rugir".

Bloksaug is Bloksav. It says ET, so it is not ET Bloksav.

The expression must be understood as "Et Axel og Rugir" (one unit) for a bloksav.

Rugir (Rugear, a special gear; dialect ). Conclusion from the museum.

mvh Verner

Lisa Petersen

Thank you, Verner, for the information.  I had the most trouble with Bloksaug Axel og Rugir.  Google translate and my very old Danish-English dictionary were unable to help.

What I have now is this:

...paa nævnte min Eiendom fremhærls: en Dampmaskine med
Dampkjedel, Et Bloksaug Axel og Rugir, 5 Jernremskriver [sic], 7
Remskiver af Træ, 8 Trækremme 1 Runsavmaskine, 2 Baand-
savmaskiner og en Høvlemaskine...

And the list of household effects:

1 rundt poleret Bord
4 polerede Stole med Rørsæder
1 dobbelt mørkebrundt Kladeskab
1 dobbelt lystmalet Kladeskab
1 brunmalet Pjedestal
1 brunmalet Komode
6 brunmalet Stole
6 Par Hørgarns Lagner
2 Par Blaargarns Do [Lagner]
1 egestræesmalet Fløibord
1 nodetræesmalet firkantet Bord
1 Fjederstol af Mahognitræ
1 bornholmsk Stueuhr
1 Cylinder-Herrelommeuhr med Guldkante
2 Fioliner
1 Fløjte
1 Puf

I try to transcribe the words exactly, even if they are misspelled (Runsavmaskine should be Rundsavmaskine), and I will usually be able to translate into English.

Thank you for helping with this.  I am grateful that you, and others on DIS, spend your time helping us researchers who struggle with old Danish. 

Tusind tak.

Lisa P.

Lisa Petersen

Hej Verner

My attempts to direct email you bounced so I am replying here.

Very interesting the possibility that Axel og Rugir could be the maker of the saw, not equipment as I had been thinking.  But if it were a factory, perhaps they placed advertisements in old newspapers?  I searched Mediestream for "Axel og Rugir" (0 hits), "Aksel og Rugir" (0 hits), "og Rugir" (1 hit, useless), Rugir (more hits, but are any useful?), and bloksaug (more hits but not getting answers to what axel og rugir are). 

I also tried searching for notices for the auctions selling Rasmus Nielsen's savværk in Glamsbjerg in Jan-Feb-Mar 1905 but got no hits, perhaps because the newspapers of that time are not on Mediestream?  I was hoping that the auction advertisements would list all the equipment being sold.

Thank you, Verner, for your investigations — asking the sawmill museum and the Assens Lokalarkiv.  They are good ideas that I would not have thought of.


Lisa P.

Verner Bentsen

Hi Lisa

I have problems with my email.

I don't think "Axel og Rugir" is a company.
"Et Bloksaug Axel og Rugir"
If Axel og Rugir was a company then it says "Et Bloksaug" and that should be "En bloksaug".
We don't say "Et sav" but "En sav".

I will, answer you in another mail.

mvh Verner