Transcription Help needed and does the entry continue on next page?

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 06 Jun 2022 - 04:00

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Lynn Christiansen

I have located the entry for the marriage of Jens Danielsen and Barbara Poulsdaatter, it is located at 1770-1814 Torsted, Hundborg, Thisted img 24 pg 21-#2 last entry on right hand page also in Family Search at the bottom of the right page and I believe it continues on to the top of the next page. I need verification of that fact.

I have transcribed the following:
Year: 1773
Numb: 2 Last entry on right hand page
No. 2 d: 16de December blev Jens Danielsen fra Hundborg Sogn og Barbara Poulsdaatter af Thaarsted ?? Copulerede, i ??..

I need my transcription corrected and completed and continued if the top of the next page belongs to this entry.

I have also located the marriage entry for his first marriage to Karen Olesdaatter at 1715-1786 Hundborg, Hundborg, Thisted img 131 pg 130-#1 right hand page next to last entry. It is hard to read because of Bleed-through from the other side of the page.

I have the following for my transcription, not much, so any help would be appreciated.

Year: 1772
No: 1
D: 25de April blev Jens Danielsen af Vorup-Øur ??
und en Pige af Beirregaard ?? Karen Olesdaatter
?? ?? paa af copulere ?? ??
forlorene: ??

Thank you for any assistance.....

RIN 10465
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg


No 2. d: 16de Decembr bleve Jens Danielsen
fra Hundborg Sogn og Barbara Poulsdaat-
ter af Thaarsted dito Copulerede i fól-
ge af Kongl. Allernaadigste Bevilgning
Dat: d: 20de Octob: a: D: uden foregaaende Trolovel-
se og Lÿsning af Prædikestoelene.
Foreloverne vare Jens Poulsen og Peder Kiergaard
Begge af Thaarsted.

Num: 1 - d: 25de April blev Jens Danielsen af Vorup-Øer copuler[ed]
med en Pige af Bierregaard, fr. Karen Olesdaatter
De havde Konge-brev paa at copuleres uden foregaaende Trolovelse
Forloverne: Peder Bierregaard og Christen Østergaard

(Thaarsted = Thorsted; Vorup-Øer = Vorupør; fr. = frøken)

Lynn Christiansen

Thank you for your assistance and the transcriptions. Interesting comments, I did not realize that the Trolovelse process was so important
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg