The probate process when a citizen of Copenhagen dies abroad

Startet af JBonsee, 24 Feb 2021 - 15:31

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Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this!

If a citizen of Copenhagen dies in the West Indies, circa 1765, which jurisdiction handled the probate process? Was there a standard procedure for notifying the authorities back in Copenhagen that a citizen had died?   

In this case, the citizen was a ships captain who was anchored off St. Croix. He died sometime between July 1765 and early February 1766 when his wife was approved for an uskiftet bo on 7 February 1766. I'm trying to narrow the window of time for when he died. He did leave behind a minor child. Would there be guardianship records if there was an uskiftet bo?

Thanks again!

Grethe Leerbech

as you don't mentioned the captains or his wifes name, I can only give you the link to the skifter from St. Croix from 1766...
Also i give you the link for the whole digitized archives , as the handlings from his dead could be archived other places than "skifter 1766-1845, ex. when he doesn't live on the island but only sailes through and from. 

Skifter Sct. Croix from 1766-1845:,56721656

All digitized archives from St. Croix.
Thyholm,Vang, Gislum,Hornum,Hindsted, Slet, Års i Aalborg a. Ginding,Ringkøbing a.Rinds, Fjends,Hindborg,Viborg a. Nybøl, Sottrup,Sønderbog a.sogne i Tyskland, Sunds,Svendborg a.Tuse,Års,Løve i Holbæ


Hello Grethe

Thank you for the links to the skifter and to the digitized archives from St. Croix. And please forgive me for not including their names in the post, I rather enjoy the hunt. Unfortunately, I didn't find him in those the search continues! All suggestions are welcome!

grethe jensen

Have you been able to find something here?
You might  be able to find something about him, his ship and his replacement here:
Best regards GJ