Death Toste Christian Tostesen

Startet af Paul Gundesen, 11 Jul 2011 - 00:51

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Paul Gundesen


Could someone please provide English translation for the following death record.

Ribe Skast Esberg Vor Estler 1914-1925 opslag 89 entry 49

Toste Christian Tostesen

Thank you

Kind Regards Paul

Gitte Hovedskov

Hi Paul

This is a very sad one:

19. Juni (19 June)
Et træ i Haven v. Ø. Badeanst. (A tree in the garden by East Swimming pool)

Kapelkirkegaard (chapel graveyard)
23. Juni


Ugift. Arb. fhv. Landmand, af Ø. Badeanst. her (Unmarried worker, former farmer of Ø. Badeanst. here)
F. i Horne Sg. 18/7 74 af Hmd. Johan Herman (Born in Horne parish 18/7 74, son of smallholder Johan Herman)
Tøstesen og Susanne Gundesen (Tøstesen and Susanne Gundesen)

46 Aar (46 years old)


Selvmord v. Hæng. (Suicide by hanging)
? lig. Att. af (? certificate dated)
19/6 21.
Indberet. t. stat. ? (Notice given to ?)
21/7 21

Sorry about the missing words, hopefully someone else can help.

Paul Gundesen

Hi Gitte

Thank you. 

Yes it is very sad. Susanne's younger brother Niels Soren Gundesen committed suicide as well due to  being diagnosed with an incurable illness in 1906 in Queensland.

Again thank you for your assistance.

Regards Paul