Place name Kieret or Keenef -- transcription help

Startet af Susan Russell, 03 Jul 2011 - 23:41

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Susan Russell

Hello, I'm especially interested in the place name where Morten and his wife are from in this record. Also, would be nice to know the date.

The record is from Flejsborg 1725 - 1812 opslag 43
Record is near the bottom on the right side.

Dom: 15h p. Trinit døbt Jens
Rhods Barn af Siørup kaldet
Jens. Baarret af Mortens
Kone i ???, fulgt af Niels an
?? Kone af Krogstrup
??: Morten Jensen af  Siørup
Morten i ???, Niels Andersen af

The place Morten is from looks like "Keenef" to me and a friend suggested "Kieret." I'm trying to see if the Morten here is the same as the baby's grandfather who may have been called "Morten Ørndrup" in the mother's birth record from Bjørnsholm.

Thanks for any assistance!

Areas of Interest:
Roskilde > Ramsø
Præsto > Strøby and Herfølge
Ålborg > Års > Flejsborg
Ålborg > Slet > Bjørnsholm, Kornum, Løgsted, Løgstor, Næsborg, Oudrup, Vindblæs

Ralph Rasmussen

Comparing it with the K of Kone and Kirke, it's not too hard to read the first letter of the place name as C or L, rather than K.  It still is not on my map.

Compare the name with the godmother in the bottom entry on the next page.  Would that make Morten more or less likely to be the grandfather?

Med venlig Hilsen
Ralph Rasmussen
<1850 Hammer herred, Præstø

Susan Russell

Ralph, now that you point it out, it does seem obvious that is not a "K!" And thanks for finding that other record -- that baby must have died before the 1801 census, so I didn't know to look there. The place name of Ulstrup makes everything match up well with this family:

Aalborg, Aars, Ulstrup, Leere, , 51, FT-1787, A4617

Navn:   Alder:   Civilstand:   Stilling i husstanden:   Erhverv:   Fødested:
Morten Nielsen   41   Gift   mand   bonde og gårdmand   
Karen [Soersdatter]   46   Gift   kone      
Niels Mortensen   12   Ugift   søn      
Bodil Mortensdatter   10   Ugift   datter      
Maren Mortensdatter   4   Ugift   datter      
Christen Pedersen   28   Ugift   karl      
Hans Nielsen   4   Ugift   [mandens] søster søn   

Unfortunately all the kirkebøger in Ulstrup prior to 1813 have been destroyed. Now I have to take another look at the later census records that indicate Bodil was born in Bjørnsholm. Maybe that was a different Bodil Mortensdatter, or maybe the family moved.

There is one more record that has the mysterious Morten's name. The burial record of his widow:

Flejsborg 1813 - 1860 opslag 123

Afdøde Morten Leeres

?? ?? Jens Rhods
enke i Siørup

80 aar.

I wonder why the earlier record doesn't give his last name as Nielsen and just calls him "Morten i Leere?"

Thank you for the help -- it looks like I have Morten as pinned down as I'll be able to without the Ulstrup records!
Areas of Interest:
Roskilde > Ramsø
Præsto > Strøby and Herfølge
Ålborg > Års > Flejsborg
Ålborg > Slet > Bjørnsholm, Kornum, Løgsted, Løgstor, Næsborg, Oudrup, Vindblæs