Obduktion, 1918, Californien

Startet af Shari Jensen, 25 Sep 2020 - 12:40

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Shari Jensen

Image 253:

Den 22. september postede jeg vedrørende en noget speget sag i Californien i 1918.

Engelsk er omtrent mit andet modersmål, men jeg har svært ved at tyde alle Dr. C.V. Thompson´s kragetæer i brevet hvori han rapporterer om resultatet af obduktionen han foretog.

Efter den dødes navn (Sam Hucke) tyder jeg:

The only marked abnormal condition

was a dilated heart.  The stomach

contained about a   _____    ___  smelly

fluid. The stomach was ______   _____ 

and  _____   with the contents to

a chemist for ______  _____. 

Fra min tråd den 22. september:
Fandt et interessant dokument vedrørende Søren Christoffer Hücke eller Samuel Hucke som han kaldte sig i Californien.

Han døde 14. oktober 1918 i Half Moon Bay  (ikke langt fra San Franscisco) under ret usædvanlige omstændigheder hvilket hans 2. hustru Maria Augusta aka Mary (også dansk invandrer) vidnede om.

Images 249-255:

Jeg indtastede herefter følgende på hans profil på FS:


Coroner's Inquest held at Half Moon Bay on Oct. 30, 1918.

Official cause of death:
"Chloral administered by parties unknown."

[Apparently, two unnamed men poisoned him with chloral hydrate.]

Info about chloral hydrate:

Link to Coroner's Inquest:

Image 249:
Front page.

Images 250, 251, 252:
Typed sworn testimony by his 2nd wife Maria Augusta aka Mary.

Image 253:
Handwritten letter by Dr. C.V. Thompson of Pescadero, CA to Dr. W. A. Brooke, Coroner of the County of San Mateo, CA which includes his "Report of findings of the autopsy performed by me [Dr. Thompson] on Oct. 15, 1918 upon the body of Sam Hucke".

Image 254:
Typed toxicology report.

Image 255:
Verdict of Coroner´s Jury.

Ole Westermann

The only marked abnormal condition
was a dilated heart.  The stomach
contained about a pint of a milky
fluid. The stomach was taken out
and sent with its contents to
a chemist for analysis.

Var der mere, der skulle ses på?

mvh Ole

Shari Jensen

Nej, det var det hele, mange tak, Ole!   :)