Trying to locate the link for parish transcripts

Startet af Linda Michelle Thérèsa de Bodt Rosenland, 07 Maj 2020 - 23:11

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I used to have a link that took me to the parish transcripts site where various parish books had been transcribed to Danish.  The majority of the transcripts were from Vejle but other counties were listed on the left-hand side of the website as well.  Now when I try the link that I think it is I go to a different page that does not look familiar so I think the link has changed or the website has changed.

Does anyone know where I can find the link for the parish transcripts?

Ole Westermann

Here is one -
Another one - 
- klick Vejle amt - and Kirkebogsafskrifter for hele amtet af Hanne Roos

mvh Ole

Lisa Petersen

Kirkebøger registre og afskrifter

Arkivalieronline Kirkebøger Registre og Hjælpemidler

Have fun!

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.

Thank you both so much.  There are some links that I never knew about before.

This was the link I was looking for: