Lene F. Majlandt was looking for Emil Sellner Sorensen. I have information

Startet af Mie Sorensen, 20 Jun 2011 - 17:59

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Mie Sorensen

I'm actually looking for a user who was asking about my family in the US.  She was looking for information about Otto Antonius Sorensen and Emil Sellner Sorensen.

If she still uses this forum I have information about both and what happened to them.

I am actually the great grand daughter of Emil Sellner Sorensen.

I was thinking maybe she would also have some information for me about Otto in Denmark and his parents.

If she still is around she can email me at the address below.


Vagn Lind

I have forwarded your message to her e-mail

Hopefully it will work!
Venlig hilsen
Vagn Lind
6541 Bevtoft