different types of probate records

Startet af Lisa Petersen, 25 Feb 2020 - 00:40

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Lisa Petersen

Can someone explain the differences between these different types of probate records?

skifteprotokol  (example, Engelsholm Gods 1737-1786, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?bsid=192782#192782,32320496)
konceptskifte  (example, Koldinghus Rytterdistrikt 1742-1761, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17176777#194160,32535937)
skiftebrev  (example, Koldinghus Amt, 1776-1783, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?bsid=194141#194141,32531521)
skiftesager  (example, Haderslev Byfoged 1729-1845, https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?bsid=266414#266414,50242397)

If one place has different types of probate records, are they all indexed in the navneregister til skifteprotokol?

På forhånd tak.

Lisa Petersen
near Washington, D.C.

Grethe Leerbech

Hay LIsa

I'll try

skifteprotokol is -or should be- a journal over the administration and/or dividing of the estate /propate after dead and likvidation or bankrupcy. In the beginning it should be a concluded summary of the dividing to the heirs.
Konceptskifter- is a samble of the most commen probate administrations- to help the clercks etc. how to deal with them - it's often written "copy" at the pages.
But it also contains testaments wich tells how the inherit should take place.
The papers etc in conceptskifter are not in the protocols- they are only archieved in Konceptskifter.

Skiftebreve -the contens is the same as no. 1 but it -nearly always - also contents letters from the heirs etc. and are more detailed and sometimes one are able to find the original "skiftebreve " in a parcel at the archiev.
Skiftesager - the same as no. 1 - but sometimes it contens the more difficult matters wich takes longer time, and often have many different heirs   and sometimes also letter from different persons ex. the heirs

About your other question - I don't know.
But to my experience one place ex. a town or estate often use one word ex. Skiftebrev and has a register, which deal with that.
i have not seen any register to conceptskifter except for the Landsretten, Birkeretten, Borgretten  and Bornholm.  .

But sometimes one cannot see the differences- especially in old times.

mange hilsner

Thyholm,Vang, Gislum,Hornum,Hindsted, Slet, Års i Aalborg a. Ginding,Ringkøbing a.Rinds, Fjends,Hindborg,Viborg a. Nybøl, Sottrup,Sønderbog a.sogne i Tyskland, Sunds,Svendborg a.Tuse,Års,Løve i Holbæ

Ole Westermann

Hi Lisa

Briefly the skifteprotokol contains probates lined up consecutively in a book/protocol.
Skiftebreve (probate letters) and skiftesager (probate matters) are probates in separate documents, gathered in a collection.
A konceptskifte is a preliminary probate, a kind of testament lining up how the inheritance shall be divided, when times come.

Most protocols have indexes, but not all. The other ones often don't have an index (as far as I know).

mvh Ole

Lisa Petersen

Thanks for the replies Grethe and Ole.  That helps me decide where to look, or where not to look in some cases. 

Best regards,

Lisa P.
near Washington, D.C.