Where should I look for burial record?

Startet af Linda Michelle Thérèsa de Bodt Rosenland, 16 Jan 2020 - 01:58

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Marius Larsen died 12 Aug 1963 and was buried in Ålebæk, Ålborg Kommune, Nordjylland, Denmark probably also in August 1963.  I have not come across this type of community before and in looking online I am still not clear where I should look for parish records that might tell me if Marius died in Denmark or was just buried there.

Henrik Sørensen

I found this text regarding a Marius Larsen. Is this your Marius Larsen

1942 – 1962: Marius Larsen. Marius Larsen var født i Mellerup ved Randers fjord, hvor han blev døbt af den kendte valgmenighedspræst og forfatter, Jakob Knudsen. Da han var 20 år, rejste han til USA for at læse til præst i staten Iowa, men før han blev færdig, gik USA med i 1. verdenskrig. Han meldte sig som frivillig og gjorde krigen med i Frankrig til dens slutning i 1918. Han fik nu, som andre der havde kæmpet som frivillige for USA, amerikansk statsborgerskab. Han fuldførte sit studium og tog til Danmark., hvor han i 3 år var lærer ved Uldum højskole. Her traf Marius Larsen sin hustru, der var elev på højskolen –fru Larsen var fynbo. Fra 1926 til 1936 var ægteparret i Amerika, hvor han var præst ved en dansk menighed i Oregon, senere i Montana. Deres fire børn er alle født i Amerika, og efter anden verdenskrig valgt tre af dem, en søn og to døtre, at vende tilbage til USA som amerikanske statsborgere, mens den ene datter giftede sig her og bosatte sig på Fyn. Efter opholdet i USA fik præsteparret ansættelse i Lendum i fire år, inden de i 1942 flyttede til Als. De er kommet godt ud af det med befolkningen, selvom pastor Larsen måske ikke har været nogen helt sædvanlig præst, som folk forestiller sig en præst skulle være. Han var meget sportsinteresseret og dyrkede gymnastik, og i hans til i Lendum ledede han drengegymnastik i forsamlingshuset. Mens Marius Larsen var præst i Als under 2. verdenskrig, deltog han i modstandsbevægelsen, og det var selvfølgelig af den grund han fik tilnavnet: "Pistol Marius". Da englænderne kom til Helberskov, Kristi Himmelfartsdag, den 10. om formiddagen, blev pastor Larsen underrettet i begyndelsen af gudstjenesten. Han afbrød omgående gudstjenesten, lagde præstekjolen fra sig, tog sin lange, glatte og sorte frakke på, og under den var der skjult en maskinpistol. Efter krigen var han en ivrig tilhænger af hjemmeværnet, som han var medlem af. Han var også med til at anlægge en skydebane ved stranden nær Halvrebene. Han var også meget interesseret i den lokale historie. Han var en flittig bidragyder med artikler i Historisk Årbog for Aalborg amt om sin egn: Om degnene ved Als kirke og om Haslevgaarde og andet. På grund af sygdom måtte pastor Larsen opgive sit embede. Han havde håbet at kunne blive, til han faldt for aldersgrænsen, men sådan skulle det ikke være, men jeg håber, at jeg kan blive så rask, at jeg kan dyrke mine historiske interesser. "Det er vemodigt, at vi skal rejse herfra, men det er jo livets lod". siger pastor Larsen. Han følger selv sine gæster ud til den ventende vogn. I det han vinker farvel, lyser et venligt smil op i hans ansigt Et mildt og smukt og resigneret smil. Under hans sygdom vikarierede pastor Lundbeck Hansen, Skelund og Svend Breum. ( Uddrag af artikel i Aalborg Antstidende, den 22. april 1962. + enkelte tilføjelser). Marius Larsen var født 29. august 1893 og døde den 12. august 1963 i Bogense. Efter at have forladt præstegården flyttede de til Bogense, hvor datteren, Eva, boede. Det blev således et meget kort otium for pastor Larsen, selv om han næsten blev 70 år. Ægteparret er begravet på Als kirkegård.

Link: http://www.lokalarkivetials.dk/Pr%C3%A6sterne.aspx

Henrik Sørensen

If the person above is your Marius Larsen, then this is the burial record:


Just ask if you need translation.

Inger Toudal

Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Henrik Sørensen

If this Marius Larsen is the person you are looking for, then here is a little more information and a picture


Its Marius to the right

Henrik Sørensen

Thank you all for the fantastic information.  Yes, indeed, this is my Marius Larsen.  He was born 29 Aug 1893 in Mellerup, Støvring, Randers, Denmark and died 12 Aug 1963.  I now have a lot of information to go through so thank you!

Hi Henrik,

I wonder if you can clarify for me - is Uldum University in Århus or Vejle?  Different English articles are leading me in different directions.

Citat fra: Inger Toudal Dato 16 Jan 2020 - 12:41
Marriage record: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17138299#181012,30735395 - No 10

Hi Inger,

Her name in the marriage record looks like Anna Karen Kirstine Mila but in her birth record it looks like Anna Karen Kirstine Meta?

Birth record here #12: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=179381#179381,30424102

Henrik Sørensen

Uldum univerity is not a univerity. Its more like af folkhigsshool or a boardingschool for adults. Im not sure how to translate it, but you can read more about it here: https://www.danishfolkhighschools.com/folkhighschools/?school=uldum-hojskole

Its located in the small village of Uldum 20 km north of Vejle and 15 km east of Horsens

Link to google map: https://www.google.dk/maps/place/Uldum+H%C3%B8jskole/@55.8440381,9.5883249,297m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x464c7fccfb75762b:0x426f7c2b6da7c965!8m2!3d55.8440667!4d9.5890301

Henrik Sørensen

Mayby you can contact Als historical archive.

Mayby they have some information or pictures.

Marius was priest i Als parish for 20 years, so they must have something and mayby someone can remember him.

link to Als historical archive: http://www.lokalarkivetials.dk/Home.aspx

Henrik Sørensen

Do you have Marius Larsens birth record?


His parent is shoemaker Johannes Larsen and Marie Christine Nielsen

They where married in Mellerup church 28th of december 1886:


It looks like Nørhald Egnsarkiv have som information about Marius Larsens parents, including this picture:


Shoemaker Larsen and wife Marie and their son i law Olaf Andersen with his daugther.

Henrik Sørensen

Marius Larsens Childhood Home and the home of his parents as it looks like today

Henrik Sørensen

Marius Larsens Childhood Home and the home of his parents as it looks like today

its the house in the middle

Inger Toudal

The name of Marius' wife was Anna Karen Kirstine Meta Pedersen.

- confirmation record 1917, Hesselager parish:
https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=17137695#179478,30437393 - No 8

Svendborg, Gudme, Gudme, Gudme, 19e, 74, FT-1901, D9543
Name:     Age:     Marital status:     Position in household:     Occupation:     Birthplace:
Lars Petersen     18470830     E      Husfader      Hjulmand      Ringe. Svendborg 
Anne Kirstine Petersen     18940531     U      Barn            Gudme. Svendborg

Karen's parents Lars Pedersen/Petersen and Lise Nielsen married 21 Mar. 1902:

(Folke)højskole: https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folkeh%C3%B8jskole


Uldum Højskole: https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uldum_H%C3%B8jskole

Venlig hilsen
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Inger Toudal

You kan find the headstone here: https://www.dk-gravsten.dk/kirkeg/Als.php

Marius Larsen 29.8.1893 - 12.8.1963
Kirstine Larsen 1.12.1902 - 23.6.1989

Venlig hilsen
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal

Henrik Sørensen

this link would might have your interrest


Marius was a member of the Danish resistance during 2. world war.

He was a group leader.

Click on the picture in the link. Marius is marked with a rectangle.

Henrik Sørensen

This is Estate record regarding Johannes Larsens house/etstate in Mellerup

It says that Johannes Larsen buy the house 10th of april 1890
When he dies i 1929 the wife takes over house.

21th of january 1931 the house is sold to one of the sons Lauritz Anker Larsen

Henrik Sørensen

How much do you know about Olaf Andersen and Arvid Andersen?

It seems to be an interresting family story.

And it will probably be possible to trace some current descendants in Denmark (actually i have found some, but i cant mention any names here)

Henrik Sørensen

Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 19:19
This is Estate record regarding Johannes Larsens house/etstate in Mellerup

It says that Johannes Larsen buy the house 10th of april 1890
When he dies i 1929 the wife takes over house.

21th of january 1931 the house is sold to one of the sons Lauritz Anker Larsen

I forgot to insert the link:


Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 05:31
Uldum univerity is not a univerity. Its more like af folkhigsshool or a boardingschool for adults. Im not sure how to translate it, but you can read more about it here: https://www.danishfolkhighschools.com/folkhighschools/?school=uldum-hojskole

Hi Henrik,

This school is what I would call in Canada a College because the students have usually graduated from regular Elementary, Middle and High School and are taking classes not normally offered in a University.

Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 06:16
It looks like Nørhald Egnsarkiv have som information about Marius Larsens parents, including this picture:


Shoemaker Larsen and wife Marie and their son i law Olaf Andersen with his daugther.

Thank you so much Henrik!  (Holger) Olaf Andersen is my 2nd great-uncle and I do not have a photo of him and his wife Eline Larsen.

Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 06:39
Marius Larsens Childhood Home and the home of his parents as it looks like today

Wow, that must have been a tight fit for 7 living children and two parents.  Thank you so much for the photo.

Citat fra: Inger Toudal Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 07:15
Svendborg, Gudme, Gudme, Gudme, 19e, 74, FT-1901, D9543
Name:     Age:     Marital status:     Position in household:     Occupation:     Birthplace:
Lars Petersen     18470830     E      Husfader      Hjulmand      Ringe. Svendborg 
Anne Kirstine Petersen     18940531     U      Barn            Gudme. Svendborg

Karen's parents Lars Pedersen/Petersen and Lise Nielsen married 21 Mar. 1902:

Venlig hilsen

Thank you for all of those great links Inger.

I wonder about the 1901 Census and Lars Pedersen being listed as a Enke but he married in 1902?  Or was this taken just before he remarried?

Citat fra: Inger Toudal Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 09:31
You kan find the headstone here: https://www.dk-gravsten.dk/kirkeg/Als.php

Marius Larsen 29.8.1893 - 12.8.1963
Kirstine Larsen 1.12.1902 - 23.6.1989

Venlig hilsen

Thank you Inger.  For some reason I did not realise that you could search for headstones in Denmark.  I gather these are commonly available for all parish churches?

Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 15:42

Click on the picture in the link. Marius is marked with a rectangle.

That is so fantastic!  Thank you for finding that.

Citat fra: Henrik Sørensen Dato 17 Jan 2020 - 19:19
This is Estate record regarding Johannes Larsens house/etstate in Mellerup

It says that Johannes Larsen buy the house 10th of april 1890
When he dies i 1929 the wife takes over house.

21th of january 1931 the house is sold to one of the sons Lauritz Anker Larsen

ETA: I see your answer above.

Henrik Sørensen

Do you know who Oluf Andersen was?

He was a famous person in Denmark. An important teacher, Poet and lecturer.

Ypu can find a lot of information about him .

Glamsbjerg historical archive have something they call "The Olaf Andersen colection" which includes 1000 photos.


This is a Google translation of a text found at glamsbjerglokalarkiv.dk:

Olaf Andersen's Archive.
Glamsbjerg Local History Archive has had a long nurtured wish fulfilled.
We managed to find funds for the registration of Olaf Andersen's 7 shelves large archive and photo collection.
Marianne Weigel has been hired to prepare a registrant for the collection, and she made herself available to the association with a post about her work.
Little did we know in advance about Olaf Andersen and his work, but everyone was probably astonished that his influence on nature, culture and history was as great as the registrant shows.
Marianne has pieced together the story of Olaf Andersen from the three main areas of the collection: a private archive, an extensive exchange of letters and manuscripts. And of course the many photos.
We got the story of Olaf's life with 6 siblings in a culturally influenced family, his education for a college educator, his own little (one child, 3 grandchildren) family, his writing, his commitment to women's and young people's voting rights, the conditions of the housemates, lectures, natural joy, his commitment to difficult dilemmas about war and peace, freedom and coercion and much more -.
He lived most of his life in Tommerup (was buried at Broholm Cemetery) and worked longest (and eventually) at the Royal Folk High School.

If you want to know more, you have to search archive number A500.

Here is a picture of Oluf: https://arkiv.dk/vis/3435574

Here is a picture of Eline: https://arkiv.dk/vis/780199

Inger Toudal

The 1901 Census was taken 1 Feb. 1901.

Wheeler Lars Pedersen's 1st marriage 5 May 1893: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=179381#179381,30424152 - No 4

1st wife Karen Rasmussen died 23 Nov. 1896: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=179381#179381,30424207 - No 4

Daughter Ane Kirstine Pedersen died 14 Jun. 1901: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=179381#179381,30424214 - No 4

- how very sad  :(

You can search for headstones at https://dk-gravsten.dk/news.php - the project is not finished, so it does not include all Danish graveyards/cemeteries.

- more links at the bottom of the page

Venlig hilsen
Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal