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Startet af Kerry Larson, 18 Nov 2019 - 19:22

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Kerry Larson

What date is "Dom. 1ste. Fasten" from, 2nd from top on right?  I don't see it in list of movable feast days or 1786:

Helmer Christiansen

It is in the list as "Quadragesima, Invocavit    5 March    6 søndag før Påske (Paaske), 1 søndag i faste"
Dom(inica die) Latin for "The Day of the Lord", Sunday
Danish Faste(n) = Lent
First Sunday at Lent
Helmer Christiansen
2000 F

Kerry Larson

Thanks for your help Helmer.