Locating probate records

Startet af Kerry Larson, 10 Nov 2019 - 07:14

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Britta Hansen

The Probate should be in Vordingborg Søndre Birk
Unfortunately the period between 1848 - 1868 inclusive is missing.

Ah .. the protocol 'Skifteprotokol' is available.
The last records are per ultimo december 1853  :'(
Venlig hilsen
Britta Hansen


Lis B. Jensen

Hi Kerry.

I Have looked in the registers to Probates - but i cannot finde either Boel or the Husbond mentionend - Unfortunately.

Lis B. Jensen
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Kerry Larson

Thank you Britta and Lis.  Your help is very much appreciated and I feared that would be the answer.

Lars Skovvang Larsen

Hello Kerry

I´m curious about Risegaarden, so I have been looking at historical maps.

At the map originally drawn i 1806 - may have later corrections og additions. At that map Risegaarden with Matr.nr. 19 is situated to the far north of the land belonging til Hammer - "Hammer ejerlav".

You reach the historical maps here: https://hkpn.gst.dk/
At "Ejerlav" you enter the name of the village. In this case I entered "Hammer", that gave som hits - amongst them "Hammer by, Hammer".
The map you choose pops up in a new window.
At the top right at "Navigation" you can chooce between 5 tools to pan, zoom in and out, . .

At the 1860 map Rissegaarden has matr.nr 19a:

The present address is Risegårdsvej 4, 4700 Næstved - 55.163677 North, 11.864289 East.

Venlig hilsen
Lars Skovvang Larsen, Faxe

Britta Hansen

Citat fra: Britta Hansen Dato 13 Nov 2019 - 22:20
The court record on the farm:
Matr.nr. 19a Hammer By, Hammer = Risegård [Risegaard] which Jens Nielsen bought in June 1811.
You will find several pictures of the farm  on Danmark set fra Luften source: Sylvest Jensen Luftfoto
Venlig hilsen
Britta Hansen


Lars Skovvang Larsen

A map more - 1771:


The area isn´t cultivated.
"Hammers Overdrev" - Hammer Common.
"Risene kaldet" - called the scrubs.
So the name Risegaard derives from the name Risene - the scrub. The area has been sparsely covered with trees and bushes - forrest spoiled by woodcutting and cattle and pigs grassing the area for centuries.

Venlig hilsen
Lars Skovvang Larsen, Faxe

Kerry Larson

Those maps and photos are all very interesting.  I'm wondering if there is some genealogically significant information in that land entry you found, Britta?  https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=147612#147612,24325571. For example, is that "Kirstine Jensdatter" as the first entry in 1853?  What is the word before Kirstine?

Lis B. Jensen

Wrong answer -sorry
Lis B. Jensen
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Britta Hansen


In 1853 a mortgage 1.000 Rbdlr + a mortgage 400 Rbdlr [Rigsbankdaler – the currency in DK at that time] were recorded in the property.
Jens Nielsen lent money from Ole Klausens Enke Ellen Kirstine ....datter in Svendstrup.
Venlig hilsen
Britta Hansen


Kerry Larson

Thanks Britta.  I was hopeful.