Translation please

Startet af Paul Londahl-Smidt, 11 Jun 2011 - 14:43

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Paul Londahl-Smidt

Would someone be kind enough to translate the remarks section in the birth of Elvira Florida Hansen, born 5 Jun 1915 in Bregninge, Skippinge, Holbæk, opslag 96 nr 10.  Thank you for your time and expertise.

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Lillian Møller Pavlovic

10. Maanedersdagen
før Fødslen paa
Lerchesminde, Vis-
kinde Sogn

(10 months before giving birth she was (living/working) at the estate "Lerchesminde" in the parish of Viskinde)


Paul Londahl-Smidt

Mange tak Lillian.  Now to try to locate the father.

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