5-Opslag 334 1725-#2 Jens Jensen Birth

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 17 Maj 2011 - 02:42

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Lynn Christiansen

This is #5 of 20 entries I have located in this register that pertains to the Jen Jensen family. Because of the similarity of names I would like to have each entry as close to exact as possible. I have attempted to generate a Danish Transcription/English Translation for each entry and would like someone's help in those areas I have marked with ?? or (sp?). For some I have a complete transcription already generated, but the ones I will post have areas of questions.

A review and correction/completion of my efforts would be greatly appreciated...Thank you.

1715-1786 Hunborg-Jannerup Hundborg Thisted

Anno 1725

2. de 26 January  er Jens Jensens og Birgette
Jensdaatters Søn født og hjemme døbt
kaldet JENS. ?? ?? ?? dag
?? Daaben i Janderup kirke proclamerit (sp?)
Else Jensdatter ?? bar Barnet. Fad=
deren Jacob Lauridsen, Jens Jensen af Sned=
strup, Christen Jensen ??, Maren Jens=
daatter Mjdiholm (sp??), Anne Christensdatter
Mjdiholm (sp??)

Konen Introducent dn ??


Year 1725

No. 2 On the 26th of January ?? Jens Jensen and Birgette Jensdaatter's son was born and christened at home and named JENS. ?? ?? ?? Christening was proclaimed in the Janderup church. Else Jensdatter ?? carried the child. The witnesses were: Jacob Lauridsen, Jens Jensen from Snedstrup, Christen Jensen ??, Maren Jensdaatter of Mjdiholm (sp??),and  Anne Christensdatter from Mjdiholm (sp??)

The wife was reintroduced in the church on  ??
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Ole Westermann

Hi Lynn

Anno 1725

2. de 26 January  Er Jens Jensens og Birgithe
Jensdaatters Søn født, Og Hiemme-døbt
kaldet JENS ! Nestkommende Kyndelmissedag*           *Febr.2
Er Daaben i Janderup kirke proclamerit.
Else Jensdatter Brunshovd bar Barnet. Fad=
(derne) Jacob Lauridsen, Jens Jensen af Sned=
strup, Christen Jensen ?ors, Maren Jens=
daatter Midiholm , Anne Christensdatter

Konen Introducerit Dn Laetare**          **in 1725 it's March 11


Year 1725

No. 2 On the 26th of January is Jens Jensen and Birgithe Jensdaatter's son born and christened at home and named JENS. Nextcomming Candlemas Christening was proclaimed in the Janderup church. Else Jensdatter Brunshovd carried the child. The witnesses were: Jacob Lauridsen, Jens Jensen from Snedstrup, Christen Jensen ?ors, Maren Jensdaatter of Midiholm ,and  Anne Christensdatter from Midiholm

The wife was reintroduced in the church on  Dom.Laetare

Do you know Bauer's calendar ? It can be seen at http://www.morchslaegt.dk/bauers/bauer.htm

mvh Ole

Lynn Christiansen


I appreciate your help in both the Danish Transcription and the translation.

I use the downloaded version of the "Danish Kalender" available from http://www.rmadsen.dk/kal/

Unfortunately, neither of the calendars give the insight you provided.

First the Danish Transcript of "Nestkommende Kyndelmissedag", and without a lot of research I would not have known that it was February 2, and secondly, "Dn Laetre" is the same as "Midfaste".

I really appreciate your help and gracious spending of your time to help those such as I.

Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Ole Westermann


on this site
http://youronlineroots.com/ and choose Ecclesiastical Holidays (you don't need to log in)
you can see the different names and dates from the church books, both in Danish and English.
Choose/write a year, and the names and dates show up.
