Kokkegade 448 in 1855 !

Startet af Tomas Albertsson, 28 Mar 2017 - 12:10

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Tomas Albertsson

Dear people

Can someone help me here? I am looking for Bolete Kirstine Gudmundsen and if she is still in Kokkegade 1855!

Census 1850: https://www.danishfamilysearch.dk/cid6834666

I somehow find it difficult to find that gate 1855, did it change its name?

p.s. to which sogn/parish does Kokkegade belong to?

venlig hilsen
Tómas V. Albertsson

Gitte Johansen

Venlig hilsen
Gitte Johansen 8520 Lystrup

gittejohansen(snabel a)rocketmail.com

Tomas Albertsson

Mange tak Gitte

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