1815 A Thisted Hovedsrulle note transcription

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 26 Feb 2017 - 21:39

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Lynn Christiansen

In the entry on image 381 L70-52 there is a written note along with the Vedtegninger.


Would someone take a look at the entry and provide me with a transcription of the notes?

Thank you....
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Grethe Leerbech

hey Lynn
I will try, but cannot read them all.

Vedtegninger: in danish.
"Anmeldt slag, bevises efter nærmere paalæg, Sess. 1816 "

(He has) reported (a) beat (what kind of beat we don't know)
(it shall  be) proofed  after closer order or instruction

And under his name  is written something like.
"Samme  ? fornyet C.W. næste session - s...1818"    the same ? renewed C.W. next session 1818

"For 1816 hand  forser?? atter hen?  Slagrytter     sag 1817 '
rigtig D... "- this I cannot read or understand

Under the adress stand. "Behandles efter nr. 392 med udskrivnings alder.  skal ? 27/17" - Shall be threatened after no. 392 with exit years

But I think that he has reported he has been beaten, and they will try to proof it by ordering someone else - maybe the doctor
and he has done that before, and got his session prolonged. 

Hoping someone else will look in it too

Thyholm,Vang, Gislum,Hornum,Hindsted, Slet, Års i Aalborg a. Ginding,Ringkøbing a.Rinds, Fjends,Hindborg,Viborg a. Nybøl, Sottrup,Sønderbog a.sogne i Tyskland, Sunds,Svendborg a.Tuse,Års,Løve i Holbæ

Jan Hedegaard Skov

I will supply the text given by Grethe with (Red);

Vedtegninger: in danish.
"Anmeldt slag, bevises efter nærmere paalæg, Sess. 1816 "

(He has) reported (a) beat (what kind of beat we don't know)
(it shall  be) proofed  after closer order or instruction

And under his name  is written something like.
"Samme Tilstand afgives fornyet T.W. næste session - s...1818"    the same ? renewed T.W. next session 1818

"For 1816 hand forhen atter hen? Slagrytter medd. T.W sag 1817 '
rigtig D... "- this I cannot read or understand
I read this as another case of "Slag" which is informed to T.W. in 1817, or is it the case from 1816 which is proven right ="Rigtig" by D...?

Under the adress stand. "Behandles efter nr. 392 med udskrivnings alder.  skal fra? 27/17" - Shall be threatened after no. 392 with exit years
Med Venlig Hilsen

Jan Hedegaard Skov
Slægt fra Himmerland og Thy

Ole Westermann


The next Hovedrulle 1818 https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?epid=16481031#18134,1007008
gives a more understandable explanation:
52 - 45 Peder
It is told that he has attacks of 'Slag', probably epilepsy, and this shall be proven by at court witness (Tingsvidne).
At the session 1819 is told that he hasn't had attacks since last year, that could be proven by a witness.
Waiting till he is 24 y.o. - At last he is striken out of the roll, see no 21 (look at the previous page nr 25-21:)
The father schoolkeeper Anders Plougmand proves, that he is an officially appointed school teacher, and
therefore his sons shall not serve as soldiers. And they are all striken out.

Do you want a full Danish transcription?


Lynn Christiansen

Thank you all for your responses..

Ole--I believe I can piece meal the Danish together to get a transcription--Thanks
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg