Identyfy Uniform

Startet af Bjarne Pedersen, 09 Mar 2011 - 23:34

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Bjarne Pedersen


Can someone please Identify the uniform
in this picture.
Is it Army, Police or ?.


[vedhæfting slettet af admin]

Bjarne Due Pedersen

Its a sort of police. In 1939 there was made a corps of CB = Civil Beskyttelse = Civil Protection. They were helpers to the police, to keep order.
The man in the back row, with the cap is a real police officer
Med venlig hilsen
Bjarne Due Pedersen
Med Lolland som midtpunkt for slægten
Bosat 3310,

Bjarne Pedersen

Hi Bjarne

Someone with the same name as me.
Thank you
Do you also know how or where I should be able to find details
of enrollment of one of them.

Hilsen Bjarne

Bjarne Due Pedersen


I have found a lot by Google "statens civile luftværn" but only in Danish, none have a "other language" button  :(

But try Google translate ex. this 

Any problems, just write
Med venlig hilsen
Bjarne Due Pedersen
Med Lolland som midtpunkt for slægten
Bosat 3310,