Transcrip of Stand Information

Startet af Lynn Christiansen, 06 Mar 2011 - 16:46

Forrige emne - Næste emne

Lynn Christiansen

On opslag #351 in the Aarhus Vor Frue Hasle Aarhus Register of 1845-1852 record entry #1 is the death information for Niobe Gudhorm.

I am interested in the detail information provided under the column "Stand, Haandtering og Opholdssted". The name of Christian Faxholm I can make out but it is the other information that I am mostly interested in.

Could someone take a look at this opslag and provide me with a Danish Transcription and English Translation, if it is something unusual?

Thank you.
Research Areas: Thisted, Aarhus, Viborg

Bjarne Due Pedersen

(Enke efter afdøde matros) Widow of the deceased sailor
Christian Faxholm
Med venlig hilsen
Bjarne Due Pedersen
Med Lolland som midtpunkt for slægten
Bosat 3310,