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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: George Hawkins Dato 23 Apr 2015 - 09:40

Titel: Transliteration and translation help please.
Indlæg af: George Hawkins Dato 23 Apr 2015 - 09:40
I am wondering if someone would be able to transliterate and/or translate the information about Jens Christiansen in the link. An older half-brother of my great-great grandfather, though it is the mother that I am most interested in, she seems to disappear in Copenhagen some time in the mid 1800s.
På forhånd tak!
Titel: Sv: Transliteration and translation help please.
Indlæg af: Ralph Rasmussen Dato 23 Apr 2015 - 16:57

Jens Christiansen, uægte Søn af
Abelone Kirstine Ebbesen, ægte Datter
af Ebbe Jensen Lindknud af Alke By, Malt
Sogn i Jylland.  Moderen tjente 10 Maane-
der før Barnets Fødsel paa Moinesgaard?,
i Hammelef.  Barnefader: Ungkarl
Christian Petersen, nu i Aastrup.

JC, illegitimate son of AKE, legitimate daughter of EJL, of Alke in Malt parish in Jutland [Ribe amt].  Ten monthe before the birth the mother was working at M..gård in Hammelev parish. [Thus a note that the birth is recorded there, too] The putative father CP, now working in Aastrup village or parish.

The witnesses are from Hammelev. 

Titel: Sv: Transliteration and translation help please.
Indlæg af: Bente Wanning Dato 23 Apr 2015 - 17:07

This might be your Abelone

Titel: Sv: Transliteration and translation help please.
Indlæg af: George Hawkins Dato 23 Apr 2015 - 20:37
Thank you Ralph, and yes, Bente, that is her - can't find her after that though.