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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Judi Burton Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 14:43

Titel: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Judi Burton Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 14:43

My great-grandmother [age 22] arrived in November 1879 on the ship Thingvalla from Copenhagen to New York,
immigrant arrival is Castle Garden. Her travel record includes destination: Chicago.

She was young and if traveling alone not speaking English, she must have been guided on where/how to get to Chicago.

I am wondering if anyone may have knowledge or have heard of HOW the Danish immigrants traveled from New York
to Chicago in 1879?

I wonder if there is any information about... how did people in the Keldby parish learn about Chicago?
Was this common for young women to travel alone to America in 1879? Or would she have traveled with a Church group?

I find this so brave! Any information will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Judi

Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 15:16

Navn:    Jørgensen, Kirstine   Stilling:    Tyende (m/k land)
Alder:    22   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2900   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Keldby (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Pollerup, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181J2604

Maybe she travelled with this family from Møn:

Navn:    Nielsen, Peter   Stilling:    Husmand
Alder:    53   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1507

Navn:    Nielsen, Maren Kirstine   Stilling:    Hustru
Alder:    47   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1508

Navn:    Nielsen, Sidse Marie   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    15   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1509

Navn:    Nielsen, Ane Sophie   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    11   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1510

Navn:    Nielsen, Ane Petrine   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    05   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1511

Navn:    Nielsen, Mette Christine   Stilling:    Barn
Alder:    03   Bestemmelsessted:    Chicago
Kontrakt nr.:    2200   Forevisningsdato:    23-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fanefjord (Møn)   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Haarbølle, Præstø A.   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    Chicago   Bestemmelses stat:    Illinois
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181N1512

- and perhaps also this young girl:

Navn:    Petersen, Marie Dorthea   Stilling:    Frøken
Alder:    16   Bestemmelsessted:    New York
Kontrakt nr.:    2000   Forevisningsdato:    20-10-1879
Sidste oph.sogn:    Fakse   Sidste oph. amt:    Præstø
Sidste oph.sted:    Faxe   Bestemmelses land:    USA
Bestemmelses by:    New York City   Bestemmelses stat:    New York State
Skibsnavn:    Thingvalla
IDkode:    D7181P1922

- source: http://www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/udvandrerprotokollerne/

Venlig hilsen
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 16:29

Here's a description of a Danish family, also travelling on Thingvalla, and then by train from New York to Chicago in 1881:

http://www.udvandrerarkivet.dk/soegeside/detaljevisning/?tx_niddua_pi3%5Br%5D=332831&tx_niddua_pi3%5Bs%5D=1 - page 4

Venlig hilsen
Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Judi Burton Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 21:35
Thank you Inger Toudal!!!  I am so appreciative for your help. Judi
Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Judi Burton Dato 01 Maj 2019 - 22:37
Curious!!! I am a member of the DAR [Daughters of American Revolution] and I would like very much to research more about our Danish and Norwegian Female ancestry and their place in History. I realize this is after our Revolution...  BUT our great-grandmothers are trail blazers and would like to ask: Is there a Scandavian Book/reference on Women Immigrants to US 1800's?

I am amazed that my great-grandmother  [ags 22] basically a servant, after confirmation 13 1/2 worked for a family,
saved money and was able to support her travel to America... Chicago!!! WOW... She can not be the only one in 1879!

Thoughts!  Judi
Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Britta Hansen Dato 02 Maj 2019 - 01:26

You can read more about THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (https://www.rejsentilamerika.dk/en/home)
and look at the TV DOCUMENTARIES.
Titel: Sv: 1879 Immigration _ Copenhagen to New York [Castle Garden]
Indlæg af: Karsten Damén Dato 18 Maj 2019 - 10:49
Yes, I know that more than two weeks have passed since the last reply  :)

Concerning the ship "Thingvalla" and its travels.

Note that the voyage in Oct/Nov 1879 was a kind of maiden voyage as an immigrant ship.

The arrival in New York 17 Nov 1879 (not 11 Nov as listed in the source above):
Kirstine listed as #6 from the bottom of the page - travelling on "Steerage" (close to human livestock).

On this voyage the ship carried ca. 75 passengers plus cargo.  But that was luxury conditions!
Note May/June 1885: "Capt. Laub from Christiania with 200 emigrants. Some 300 followed from Copenhagen and another 50 embarked in Christiansand".

Some travel experiences:

A Norwegian on board Thingvalla:

Another ship from the same line, S/S Denmark: