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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: James Dahl Dato 19 Feb 2018 - 07:10

Titel: Johan Pedersen Guldbjerg
Indlæg af: James Dahl Dato 19 Feb 2018 - 07:10
One of my ancestors I have had some difficulty tracking down, he had an illegitimate daughter (my great-great-great-grandmother) due to a brief affair early in his life, and both the parents of my great-great-great-grandmother went on to marry other people.

I *think* I've found his birth notice, I found out that Guldbjerg was where he was born, so he is Johan Pedersen, and chose Guldberg or Guldbjerg as his surname when surnames became mandatory.  He was born around 1798.  I think this Johan born in 1797 says Peder as his father, but it's really hard to read, there's something crossed out and replaced but I can't make that out either.

Titel: Sv: Johan Pedersen Guldbjerg
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 19 Feb 2018 - 07:53

Johan's parents are Peder Rasmussen and Stine Gregers Datter.

Odense, Skovby, Guldbjerg, Nordschou Bye, Et Ditto Markhuus, F 7, FT-1801, A3465
Name:     Age:     Marital status:     Position in household:     Occupation:     
Peder Rasmusen     62     Gift      Mand      Huusmand med Jord       
Anne Kirstine Gregersdatter     51     Gift      Hans kone      -
Rasmus Pedersen     14     Ugift      Barn af andet ægteskab      -       
Peder Pedersen     8     -      Barn af andet ægteskab      -       
Johan Pedersen     4     -      Barn af andet ægteskab      -

Odense, Skovby, Guldbjerg, Norschou Bye, Ladekarl Huus, F 7, FT-1787, A3173
Name:     Age:     Marital status:     Position in household:     Occupation:
Peder Rasmussen     52     g      Mand      Bonde og Huusmand       
Ane Kirstine Greisdatter     38     g      Kone      -       

Maren Jensdatter     11     -      Avlet uden ægteskab      -       
Kirsten Pedersdatter     9     -      Barn af sidste ægteskab      -       
Bodil Kirstine     4     -      Barn af sidste ægteskab      - 

Best regards,
Inger Toudal