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For alle => Find Your Relatives in Denmark => Emne startet af: Susanne Larson Dato 13 Feb 2015 - 06:26

Titel: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Susanne Larson Dato 13 Feb 2015 - 06:26
Hi - I have a family who left from Vejle to America. Is there anywhere I can find their records? My Danish is weak/fair.

Ellen Maria Sørensen and husband Rasmus Oleson/Olsen - about 1871.

Children: Sorine, Olaf, Maren, Stine (if they were all alive - only sure of Olaf).

Thanks for any guidance!
Titel: Sv: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Erik Schaefer Dato 13 Feb 2015 - 06:39
What is 1871? The year of their marriage or birth or immigration?  Do you have the ship passenger list that might give clues.

Those are common names, we need more info.
Titel: Sv: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Jesper Skov Dato 13 Feb 2015 - 06:41

What do you want to know?

Med venlig hilsen

Jesper Skov
Titel: Sv: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Erik Schaefer Dato 13 Feb 2015 - 06:48
So from Jesper's post, if that is your family they are from Engum, Engum, Vejle. 

The first step would be to find them in the 1870 Census which has not yet been transcribed on DDD.  You could use AO to download the census and locate the family.  Work back from there.

The nearest census which has been transcribed online is 1850, but that may be too far back to find this family.  I'd start with 1870 and go from there.
Titel: Sv: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Inger Toudal Dato 15 Feb 2015 - 12:47


Ellen Maria, born 1836, in the 1860 census:

Vejle, Tørrild, Kollerup, Hygum By, Skole, 1, FT-1860, C6031
Name:     Age:     Marital status:       Position in household:       Occupation:       Birth place:
Niels Peter Jensen    31    Gift    Skolelærer Kirkesanger Husfader       Langskov Sogn Vejle Amt
Martha Stoustrup    31    Gift    Kone       Hveisel Vejle Amt
Nicolai Marius Jensen    8    Ugift    Søn       Koldt Sogn Aarhus Amt
Maria Helene Jensen    6    Ugift    Datter       Koldt Sogn Aarhus Amt
Ane Kirstine Jensen    2    Ugift    Datter       Kollerup
Tomas Nielsen    12    Ugift    Pleiebarn       Tørring Sogn Skanderborg Amt
Ellen Maria Sørensen    24    Ugift    Tjenestepige       Jelling Sogn Vejle Amt

Maren Olesen's birth 27 Dec. 1868: Engum, Hatting, Vejle 1850-1871 (Ny udgave), Opslag 200, Nr. 19.

Stine Olesen's birth 21 Nov. 1870: Engum, Hatting, Vejle 1850-1871 (Ny udgave), Opslag 206, Nr. 16.

- the family was living in Thyrsbech (Tirsbæk), Engum parish.

According to the 1870 census at http://www.sa.dk/content/dk/ao-forside/find_folketallinger
- 1870, Landsogn, Vejle, Hatting, Engum, Opslag 68,

all children were born in Engum parish, and Rasmus Ol(e)sen in Grejs parish, Vejle county.

Best regards,
Inger Toudal
Titel: Sv: Ships records - sources? from Vejle....
Indlæg af: Susanne Larson Dato 16 Feb 2015 - 00:29
Dear All,

Mange tak!

Thanks so much for all this help and the links. I have updated my ancestry site and it all makes much more sense!

I looked at images of Tirsbaek - lovely castle, but obviously not where I am from!

Much appreciated.
